Gosh what a day! Blazing sun mostly, terrific displays and much need of water and sunblock. If you go, get there early (free shuttle bus from Cambridge railway station), pay the extra fiver for the flightline walk and get a closer look at the birds - steady Owen, steady!
Then in the afternoon they all fly! This year's 10-ship Spitfire opener was head-spinning and the very devil to photograph; one of the Sea Furies landed back with some problem so it was a one-ship display; two Buchons accompanied Red 7 (Bf109G with proper DB605 motor) and showed how a Merlin in a Messerschmitt is like honey with pickled onions. All with the commentary from a French pilot who 'as flown many of zese proppelor aircrafts, lol.
However, should a fortune come my way some day, I've changed my mind on the dream aircraft - it'll have to be a Bearcat. Can that thing shift, and climb!
If you're going today I hope the day cheers up, might make for good cloud backgrounds. Photos to come after I get home...