OT: For the Dutch: the last fly-in this season.


Retired SOH Administrator
On the 29th and 30th of August the Aviodorme will be the location of the "BankGiro Loterij Vliegtuig Spektakel" the last fly-in event of the museum in 2009 (Though there will still be the Fs Weekend on 7 & 8 November! :ernae: )

No info on the aircraft attending yet, but the at the last few events there have always been a few interesting birds on display.

Some info in Dutch:

In het kader van het honderdste jaar van de Nederlandse luchtvaart, organiseert Luchtvaart-Themapark Aviodrome in het weekend van 29 en 30 augustus het BankGiro Loterij Vliegtuig Spektakel! Er is van alles te doen voor jong en oud, dus mis dit unieke evenement niet!

Naast de binnenkomst van vele historische vliegtuigen, kan je gratis een rondleiding krijgen door de nieuwe Tweede Wereldoorlog-expositie van de Aviodrome met achtergrondverhalen en wetenswaardigheden over deze oorlog. Verder kunnen er, ook kosteloos, lezingen over De Royal Airforce tijdens de slag om Arnhem bijgewoond worden. Voor kinderen is er ook genoeg te doen. Wat dacht je van marcheertrainingen voor kinderen (op speelse wijze), het spelen van croquet en er is een heus kinderspeelparadijs met leuke attracties tussen de vliegtuigen te vinden. Naast de vele historische vliegtuigen, komt er ook een grote verscheidenheid aan legervoertuigen en klassieke auto's. "

I'll be there on Sunday (First day of my holiday); maybe I'll see you in Lelystad!

As my daughter comes back to Holland that weekend after a long stay abroad, I won´t attend this fly-in.

I can't say I sorry as I'm really looking forward to see her again ;)

I can't say I sorry as I'm really looking forward to see her again ;)

Here's something that will make you feel at least a bit sorry:

There's a Focke-Wulf FW-190 coming!!!!! (Pending the weather) :jump:

Others on the list: Invader, Mustang, Spitfire (Apparently a British based one), Beech 18, Catalina, Magister, Uiver, C-47 and a Dragon Rapide.

:d :d :d
aaarrrggh, and I'll be touring the bloody Ardennes with a busload of students...

oh well, **** happens, and sometimes it happens to me too...
There's a Focke-Wulf FW-190 coming!!!!! (Pending the weather) :jump:

Arrrgggghhhhh :banghead:

Make sure you take enough pictures Ferry! It is really good to see these birds are actually shown to the people!

However the choice between seeing my daughter again and to watch a FW190 is still an easy one :jump:.

The weather forecast is still good. Sunny with perhaps some showers later on the day. That should give you beautiful Dutch skies! :cool:.

Have fun!
Here's something to make you feel better Huub:



More photos in this thread:


Thanks for these beautiful pictures. I wish I could have been there yesterday.

The paintwork on this aircraft looks quite familiar!


The plane depicted is a Focke Wulf FW 190A-4, Lt. Horst Hannig, Staffelkapitan of 2./JG 2, France, 1943 (repaint for the Classics Hangar FW190 A4 by Alessandro Biaggi)

That's the one Huub!

According to the September issue of Aeroplane magazine:

"The '190 is finished in the markings of a Focke-Wulf Fw190A-4 flown by oberleutnant Horst Hannig, Staffelkapitan of 2./JG2 based at Cherbourg during the spring of 1943. Hannig scored 98 victories before being shot down over Caen on May 15, 1943, by Sqn Ldr John 'Jack' Charles, CO of 611 Sqn."
Another shot, this time without payload. I noticed the FW190 A8n has a French registration. So perhaps I will be able to see it next time.


Yes, it is owned by Christophe Jaquard and based at la Ferte Alais, as is the Spitfire PR.XIX that visited.
With at least four warbirds I never seen before making an appearance I'm afraid I have no choice but to go there!
