OT Foute man needs prayers


Charter Member
I wish to request from our brothers and sisters here to pray for Ton, Foute man..
He is dealing with some serious Health issues..
The doctors have told him He will not be getting any better..

Time to pray for his blessed recovery, and to show the power of prayers for those who might need this..
Prayer works, my life is a living testament to this truth..
Thanks all..
You have brought us here a CFS3 a lot of joy.

I can speak for all of us, we wish you the best.
I think it's been a while since Ton Fouteman has been here as he has other irons in the fire. A lot of people from those days also don't visit so much, the odd one or 2 are on 'facemuck' as Clive calls it!!:kilroy: If you are a friend, you will know Ton loves to have an expresso or 2!:jump:
A whole heap of BoF and BoB LW paint jobs cam from him.

We are praying for you, Foute man, and are grateful for your excellent work to bring CFS3 forward.

I wish to request from our brothers and sisters here to pray for Ton, Foute man..
He is dealing with some serious Health issues..
The doctors have told him He will not be getting any better..

Time to pray for his blessed recovery, and to show the power of prayers for those who might need this..
Prayer works, my life is a living testament to this truth..
Thanks all..

Will do...

"Lo, I am with you always; until the end of the world."

God's Richest Blessings to you,


I wish you the best. Your contributions to us were many and of the highest quality, just an extension of who you are. Get better and may GOD's GRACE be with you.


Prayers headed in from my family, church, and friends as well. Keep the faith, and God Bless.
FYI it's inoperable cancer with chemo etc., may give extra time. One can wish for as much quality time as possible. Having had a younger brother die painfully of cancer 18 months ago, I feel for him!
Dag Foute man

Long time no see or hear.
Begin nu te begrijpen waarom.
Ik weet niet precies wat je scheelt, maar begrijp dat het ernstig is.

Sterkte gewenst!
My thoughts and prayers are with you, Foute Man!

And of course my many thanks for your skins and other add-ons keeping our hobby alive!

Very sad news. A couple of months ago, it seems that it was getting better for him but unfortunately, this was not the case. I wish him a prompt recovery, hope he will be better soon.
thank you all


as i said on my facebookpage i'm overwhelmed by the warm words of support from all over the world i've recieved the last days. it's sad to know that at the end i cannot beat the cancer, but i want you to know i'm not planning to leave this planet without a fight, i just hope this fight will last for a very long time, but unfortunately this is not up to me

for the moment it's "carpe diem"


ton aka foute man

ps: thank you owen :)
My Prayers are with you

words alone cannot express what is going on, my sister is going thru it too so my prayers are for both of you hang in there and fight
