OT. Google Search is amazing


Staff member
We lose our database what one week ago now?

Some how google still sees old threads stored on it.

I Googled the address I run FS Host on fs9x.dyndns and it showed the old Alsaka or Burst Hoplist thread from the Multi player forum. :icon_lol:

I can never figure out how that is possible.

It keeps them cached on its own servers - makes things quicker. They also store every search that you do for a year as well as bombarding you with Google-Analytics - a little bit of coding that records and tranmits back to Google where you go and what pages you like to look at. Be careful what you wish for....

It keeps them cached on its own servers - makes things quicker. They also store every search that you do for a year as well as bombarding you with Google-Analytics - a little bit of coding that records and tranmits back to Google where you go and what pages you like to look at. Be careful what you wish for....


That's why I use the little freeware tool, G-Zapper. Removes that stored history/cookie from Google eyes. I use it after every Googly session. I don't need or want to be monitored/second guessed on my preferences for searching.