Charter Member
My 5+ year old E machine has been a blessing a P4 3.067 CPU dual core, XP operating system, 2 gig DDR ram, 2-160 gig WD internal Hard drives
Now I have a Gateway DX4300-15e AMD 2.8 gig CPU Quad core, 8 gig DDR2 ram, I TB hard drive, Win 7 64bit..

Finished formatting the Gateway system and reloaded from the protected archives to the factory settings..
Step one complete..It's alive!
I am going to be changing around all of this the next few weeks as I can..
Transferring all my CFS3 work to the newer computer..about 600 gig plus files to move around..
I Have hooked up my 320 gig Passport WD external USB hard drive to the newer computer with all my advanced CFS3 and expansions set ups..
I will transfer all of this complete to the gateway 4300
I need to learn how to set up the CFS3 sims in the Win7 system and get it all running..
This will be a learning as I go thing on the Win 7 operating system, always have had XP..
Please all bear with me as I trash, junk and screw this up many times as I learn the new Win7 64bit operating system and
How to get all the expansions working..
I will as I become more comfortable with this ..
Will move my Video card Asus 8400 512 meg video card over and my Audigy 2 Platinum pro sound card over to the new system also..
I hope to use my old e-machine as my online computer and for storage of files..
And in a few weeks hope to have the newer system set up and running , building missions on the newer system is still several weeks away, I believe..
Until then I will, be jumping from the older e-machine to the gateway 4300 during the change over..
Just a heads up for all.
Hobbit missions factory is moving..
And there is much rejoicing..
I will need much help and advice before this is over I do believe..
Off to try and sort out how to load CFS3 into the new gateway 4300-15e Win 7 system wish me luck all..
if you all hear lots of screaming and much crying, not to worry hobbits do that when trying to sort out computers..

Now I have a Gateway DX4300-15e AMD 2.8 gig CPU Quad core, 8 gig DDR2 ram, I TB hard drive, Win 7 64bit..

Finished formatting the Gateway system and reloaded from the protected archives to the factory settings..
Step one complete..It's alive!
I am going to be changing around all of this the next few weeks as I can..
Transferring all my CFS3 work to the newer computer..about 600 gig plus files to move around..
I Have hooked up my 320 gig Passport WD external USB hard drive to the newer computer with all my advanced CFS3 and expansions set ups..
I will transfer all of this complete to the gateway 4300
I need to learn how to set up the CFS3 sims in the Win7 system and get it all running..
This will be a learning as I go thing on the Win 7 operating system, always have had XP..
Please all bear with me as I trash, junk and screw this up many times as I learn the new Win7 64bit operating system and
How to get all the expansions working..
I will as I become more comfortable with this ..
Will move my Video card Asus 8400 512 meg video card over and my Audigy 2 Platinum pro sound card over to the new system also..
I hope to use my old e-machine as my online computer and for storage of files..
And in a few weeks hope to have the newer system set up and running , building missions on the newer system is still several weeks away, I believe..
Until then I will, be jumping from the older e-machine to the gateway 4300 during the change over..
Just a heads up for all.
Hobbit missions factory is moving..
And there is much rejoicing..
I will need much help and advice before this is over I do believe..
Off to try and sort out how to load CFS3 into the new gateway 4300-15e Win 7 system wish me luck all..
if you all hear lots of screaming and much crying, not to worry hobbits do that when trying to sort out computers..