OT: have a" new" computer Thanks Joshua Kathy


Charter Member
My 5+ year old E machine has been a blessing a P4 3.067 CPU dual core, XP operating system, 2 gig DDR ram, 2-160 gig WD internal Hard drives

Now I have a Gateway DX4300-15e AMD 2.8 gig CPU Quad core, 8 gig DDR2 ram, I TB hard drive, Win 7 64bit..
:applause: :applause: :applause:
Finished formatting the Gateway system and reloaded from the protected archives to the factory settings..
Step one complete..It's alive!

I am going to be changing around all of this the next few weeks as I can..
Transferring all my CFS3 work to the newer computer..about 600 gig plus files to move around..

I Have hooked up my 320 gig Passport WD external USB hard drive to the newer computer with all my advanced CFS3 and expansions set ups..
I will transfer all of this complete to the gateway 4300

I need to learn how to set up the CFS3 sims in the Win7 system and get it all running..
This will be a learning as I go thing on the Win 7 operating system, always have had XP..

Please all bear with me as I trash, junk and screw this up many times as I learn the new Win7 64bit operating system and
How to get all the expansions working..

I will as I become more comfortable with this ..
Will move my Video card Asus 8400 512 meg video card over and my Audigy 2 Platinum pro sound card over to the new system also..
I hope to use my old e-machine as my online computer and for storage of files..

And in a few weeks hope to have the newer system set up and running , building missions on the newer system is still several weeks away, I believe..
Until then I will, be jumping from the older e-machine to the gateway 4300 during the change over..

Just a heads up for all.
Hobbit missions factory is moving..
And there is much rejoicing..
I will need much help and advice before this is over I do believe..

Off to try and sort out how to load CFS3 into the new gateway 4300-15e Win 7 system wish me luck all..
if you all hear lots of screaming and much crying, not to worry hobbits do that when trying to sort out computers..
:applause: :applause: :applause:

Hello Owen I have Just opened up my Box with a new computer as well an ACER Predator which is also Windows 7 64 Bit I bought it just before Christmas but haven't had much time to open it until now. Like you I'll be feeling my way around it for a while just installed the hardware etc so I'll be interested to see how you get on with loading cfs3 I believe there is a tutorial somewhere on loading cfs3 onto 64 bit machines good luck Owen please let me know how you get on Gary
Hello Owen I have Just opened up my Box with a new computer as well an ACER Predator which is also Windows 7 64 Bit I bought it just before Christmas but haven't had much time to open it until now. Like you I'll be feeling my way around it for a while just installed the hardware etc so I'll be interested to see how you get on with loading cfs3 I believe there is a tutorial somewhere on loading cfs3 onto 64 bit machines good luck Owen please let me know how you get on Gary

I have loaded CFS3 into the newer computer..No problems..
I have noted and found the Apps data/roaming files and the set up needed to load files (the expansions )

I am moving everything from my USB external WD passport drive to the new computer, all my CFS3 set ups and Expansions files..
This will take several hours to move 300 GIG of files..from this drive..
Once these are installed I will set up the pathways and fire up the expansions ..
This is where it will get interesting..

Also loaded the Risk strategy game for NT systems into the Win7 machine with no problems..
That surprised me a game this old would be seen and run on this newer computer..
As I am learning Win 7 doesn't do "shine' very well.. Everything looks a bit Flat in contrast..
The Specular emissions suck!!

I might be able to correct this when I move my Asus 8400 GS 512 meg Video card over to the new Win7 machine..
It does spectacular emissions very well.. that may solve this..

I have loaded several of my CFS3 expansions into the Win 7 machine have them running okay no problems..
Have Rising Sun set up to the point of finalizing the Bat corrections.. I flew a couple of missions just starting it with the CFS3 exe at Pearl Harbor.
Stayed up most of the night last night setting this up..yea on a Holy Quest here..:icon_lol:

This machine seems to do a LOADED scenery set up very well right now..
No lag in the FPS I am getting..Even with Pearl loaded with ALL the ships..That is a plus..
I have several missions I built that have up to two hundred aircraft in a fight.
Will see how the Win 7 machine does with these Monster loaded missions..

Can't see that Win 7 is a improvement in the overall Look of the Aircraft or scenery..Missing that Great shine effect.. But again my Video card may improve this..

Needless to say the old P4 3.067 CPU will have a Home as long as the e machine runs.. I will keep it for CFS3 and the expansions..
I am very grateful to Joshua, and his wife Kathy for sending me the "Old" win 7 machine of theirs..

And I am pleased with Win 7 so far, except for the"shine"problem..
It is a AMD quad core 2.8 gig processors 8 gig DDR2 ram and does not seen to have any problem with using the on board sound and video at this point..

Still sorting it all out...It will take a couple of weeks of experimenting to settle down with it..yet..
Many Thanks to Joshua and His Lovely wife for allowing a hobbit to move into the New Operating systems and learn how XP and Win 7 compare in My Beloved CFS3 sims..
Too Cool!!
And there is Much Rejoicing!!
:applause: :applause: :applause:
graphics card in that lame ,,,but does the sliders at 5 or at least did ....lol, when in time you upgrade your card and fix your edit your shaders likely excellent then
seems we're all headed this way....kids gave me a new uber puter w/ the latest and greatest....no idea what they are but I'm assured the graphics card and support peripherals are better than I deserve...so, Owen, I'm sure we'll be trading horror stories shortly
As I am learning Win 7 doesn't do "shine' very well.. Everything looks a bit Flat in contrast..
The Specular emissions suck!!

I might be able to correct this when I move my Asus 8400 GS 512 meg Video card over to the new Win7 machine..
It does spectacular emissions very well.. that may solve this..

It won't fix it. Windows 7 handles specular effects differently and by default you won't get them no matter what hardware you are using. There is a fix for it, I wrote a tutorial on how to get proper shine in windows 7 a little while ago. Get it here: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?catid=159

And a thread where Major Magee adds a bit of clarification: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?76325-UPLOADED-CFS3-Specular-Shine-Tutorial

I hope this helps.

It won't fix it. Windows 7 handles specular effects differently and by default you won't get them no matter what hardware you are using. There is a fix for it, I wrote a tutorial on how to get proper shine in windows 7 a little while ago. Get it here: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?catid=159

And a thread where Major Magee adds a bit of clarification: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?76325-UPLOADED-CFS3-Specular-Shine-Tutorial

I hope this helps.


Thank you for pointing me in the right direction..
I have adjusted the ATI settings now and have a decent shine on things.
I am learning to use the Win 7 set up. And a new computer at the same time..
So I know I will have to take a few weeks to sort it all out..
I have gotten Rising Sun loaded and operating and that is a cool thing to say..
All the other Expansions are now working well..
Getting anti Virus and other programs set up also..
Off to wreck things..
:applause: :applause:
Thanks Joshua,
This is all very wonderful to me..
Heck this computer Rocks!
Can't wait to try it with my Video card from my older computer..
The 512 meg Asus 8400 should improve this a bit with the flat-screen it will be great!
Oh yea!
:applause: :applause: :applause:
Have been getting 25FPS faster on the average from my old e-machine..With the on-board video and sound..Too Cool!!
Without transferring the Asus video card or Audigy 2 Platinum Pro sound card into it yet.. WOW!!
Hi HH,

if it is at all possible upgrade the connection of your vid card to your computer. Use HDMI. It will give you a lot more fps :wavey:
Hi David,
I would use the newer connections if I had a screen to take them..
I have a old CRT 25" screen..
And my video card doesn't support HDMI connections, it is too old..
A great card in it's day..
My Asus 8400GS video card uses the VGA hook ups.
Only 512 meg DDR3 ram in the Asus

Yea, I would love to have a modern Video card..but that isn't possible on my budget, or lack there of..

The newer computer from Joshua, is much faster then my old P4 computer.. The P4 Uses the older ribbon cables
and this newer one has the more modern cables internally..

I would have to get a new video card with the newer connections to use the new flats screen monitors..

The newer computer gateway 4300 has the newer video Connections on it so I can't use my old 25' CRT monitor.. No VGA connections on the Gateway 4300...
I have borrowed a Flat screen from a friend to set this up..Since my CRT monitor will not hook up to the Gateway 4300
And I am grateful..

It is interesting that My CFS3 sims all have gained a great deal of FPS over my P4 computer..And I wasn't displeased at the p4 ..

And I am only using the on board video and sound..in the Gateway 4300..
My P4 is a 3.067 Gig CPU intell and the Gateway has a 2.6 gig CPU AMD, and it runs all of this faster..

Granted my old e-machine computer is DDR ram 2 gig.. versus DDR2 8 gig in the Gateway 4300..
I know all of this makes a big difference in the FPS improvement ..
I am learning as I go with all of this..

I am impressed that the new gateway 4300 is so much faster then my older e-machine..
With a smaller CPU too..
I am going to keep the on-board video in the Gateway 4300, and leave my Video and sound card in the e-machine..
I will use my E machine as my online computer and for normal building missions..

The newer Gateway will be my storage and development computer for building monster missions..
It has a I TB hard drive which is so wonderful..

Now have the room to store all my CFS3 sims stuff on it. and still have room for more..
Have loaded 500 gig into the 1 TB hard drive of CFS3 stuff..
And have filled it to about 640 gig..
I had three hard drives in the e machine, two internal and one external..totaling about 750 gig..
Of which I had 500 gig used.. Now all of this is in the gateway.
And there is Much rejoicing!!
Its great every thing is working so well, Owen :applause:. You must have a sweet spot in the config settings. I remember "back in the day" it was a struggle to get CFS3 to look OK, with older slower machines. Every time you found a new tweak, a different config setting that squeezed out a few more FPS, was a good day!
The look and feel of the sim is so amazingly different, now that the potential of the architecture (radical and different, therefore heavily criticised, things like using .dds for texture) is able to be unleashed.

If you are getting acceptable FPS, well you've pretty much won the war, so why upgrade until you have to?
Its great every thing is working so well, Owen :applause:. You must have a sweet spot in the config settings. I remember "back in the day" it was a struggle to get CFS3 to look OK, with older slower machines. Every time you found a new tweak, a different config setting that squeezed out a few more FPS, was a good day!
The look and feel of the sim is so amazingly different, now that the potential of the architecture (radical and different, therefore heavily criticised, things like using .dds for texture) is able to be unleashed.

If you are getting acceptable FPS, well you've pretty much won the war, so why upgrade until you have to?

I am trying to save all of this..:icon_lol:
My e-machine is close to 6 years old and like it or not nearing the end of it's life..
only designed to last 4 years..
I would hate to have it crash and lose my years of Work..

And the newer Gateway is h faster when it comes to running CFS3 and the expansions..
I didn't realize that the newer computers that no longer use the ribbon cables, and DDR ram were so outclassed by the newer SATA models..
Plus the DDR2 ram is faster I can see this ..

I will admit my old e-machine as long as she will run I will use Her..
Fotr the online stuff mainlt, right now..and to build with for the Flight sims..

I will keep everything copied to the newer Gateway to ensure when the e-machine dies I will not lose anything..
I have never had two working computers to rely on this is quite the treat..