OT: Hello All I'm Back


Charter Member
Hello everyone,

I won't keep you folks too long but here it goes. I had recently been away from the forums and CFS3 in general for a while to cope with my father's passing last year. He would always sit beside me as I played the sim and ask about which aircraft was this or that. He would always keep enthusiasm for each new aircraft I showed to him, and when Nachtpiloten or Hobbit or whomever released an aircraft, he was just thrilled to see me fly it, or try to fly it. The last one I got was Nachtpiloten's Griffon and I would prattle on to him for months prior the release of how it would be when it was released. Sadly he was not around to see it finished nor see me fly it, but It was one of many memories we shared together, and he often would smile or laugh when I crashed in flames. It was all in good natured fun. I haven't played CFS3 since but I'm trying to get back in it as best I could because each time I load the Cd I always remember the times we shared and all we talked about. I'm not really that significant here, but as time goes on I hope and pray I can be of helping hand to the CFS 3 community and SOH. Thank you all for the amazing work you do, each new design, each new download , its reviving my interests again. Thank you for taking time to read this, and God Bless.

Hi stranger

It is really good to have you back, your presence has been missed. You know our loved ones never leave us they are always around in our heart and mind. My mom recently passed and there are so many ways I remember her and my dad has been gone since 1986, but his thoughts, prodings, muse like advice will always be with me. I share your feelings of a loss but the loss is only physical, memories can never be taken.
Thank you all! I look forward to flying your great models and helping out here as best I can. Your words are truly appreciated and have Inspired me to move on. Thank you all again!