OT Hobbit news


Charter Member
I have my Desktop set up, and are loading CFS3 fresh install, I am awaiting a USB cable for a 1tg external hard drive I need.

I have all my CFS3 ETO etc files saved , so NO loss of this info.
Just have to get the cable needed for the 1tb. hard drive..
Beware all 300 aircraft plus large formation missions coming..
I have several sets 90% finished to release.

It has been very difficult here for me.. But I am fighting this..
Hobbit on the loose..:applause:

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THANKGOD ,,,,, yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the Master of missions :jump::applause:
Hi Owen!
Glad to hear you're having a go! Are you out of the hospital and back home now? Hope the work speeds your recovery..so sorry you had to cop that:(

But I bet the Missions will be even more furious than before,..LOL!

take care, Mate
Thanks Guys, it is a fight to even move for me right now, but I can't and will not desert my family here at SOH.
I owe much to the folks here for the support and kindness I have received during this ordeal..
This is the one small thing I can do to repay..
So off the the Hobbit missions factory, to rebuild it and get those orcs and trolls on the run..
God bless all you all..