OT - My Uncle


Kurier auf Stube...pauke!
Staff member
Sad news today from CA, my 97 year WW2 paratrooper uncle passed this morning. Too many are leaving us from the greatest:US-flag: generation, RIP Uncle John "Ted" Tedoroff.


My condolences on your uncle, and a hearty thank you for his sacrifice. :applause:
Whatever happen, they will never be forgotten. Here in France, there are a lot of memorials and museums, some of them dedicated to the paratroops.

On sunday afternoon, I was on the road back from Brittany and I decided to left the motorway because it was too crowdy. Near Chartres, there were a lot of landmarks all along the road, they mark the freedom road of western europe from Normany to Belgium & Luxembourg.

Landmark 0 is at Sainte-Mère-Église.


I was fortunate to have served with many of those WW II men. Maybe "served with" is a bit of a reach, I was a PFC so I kept my mouth shut, watched and listened to the "Old Guys". Many of them were around to teach the young troops and guide them through Korea. Even the "Bull "sessions were educational if you paid attention.

Eventually I became one of the "Old Guys" and I hope I passed on some of their wisdom to the kids I served with.

Yes, they were the greatest generation and they fathered the next "Greatest Generation" and it goes on today.

I'm sorry for Our loss.

Old Airman