OT: Opinions, please...


Charter Member
As I know you all here are familiar with the best sim on earth, I trust your opinions. I am considering getting Enemy Engaged 2, the helicopter sim. I played the first one way back when and liked it, but as money is tight for me, I'd hate to throw away the 30 dollars on something I don't really enjoy. Have any of you played EE2?... and if so, is it worth the 30 bucks? Any thoughts welcome.
Well, for myself, I can't fly a chopper to save my life. 737, Constellation, Pitts Special, Albatros DVa, Goose, Hellcat, Corsair, etc all fine, but no choppers. For me, it wouldn't work. I'm saving my dough for P3!
With things being done as a reaction ( without thought) pick one.

Doubtful, you can be good at both

Especially if you fly at max realism

I'd buy Phase 3 first, then if you're bored, try the choppers
I tried flying choppers in FS9 but have difficulty. For example using just a screen going backwards and going up look the same when your close to the ground. Same with going forward and going down.
Hey Zommoz.

EE2 is ok overall, but I was a bit disappointed with it. There's not a lot that's different from Commanche v Hokum other than a facelift to graphics and FX (most of which is a nice step up though nothing earth-shattering) and a North Korean campaign. The core game is essentially the same. Unfortunately, there's also a host of bugs, both new and old, and other annoyances. I haven't played the game since it was spanking new, however, so a number of problems have likely been fixed or improved via patches/mods. I'd suggest you look into that before deciding. SimHQ would be a good place to look for mod info. Also, IIRC, they conducted a thorough review of EE2 that might interest you as well.
If you want a helo SIM get DCS's KA-50 Black Shark, you can spend the next two years just reading the manual!
Thanks for the input, folks...

OFF is already ordered, that money was set aside ages ago... Over and above that I had some 30 bucks to blow and I think I will just save up the difference and get that Black Shark, that looks awesome! ...and meanwhile, I will go find my old EECH disks and some mods. Like this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFnTd...itle=Main_Page posted by Warrant as a response to my question in the FSX forum. Anybody else remember HIND?

Thanks for helping me make up my mind.
I think you made the right decision re EE2.

I remember Hind. I still have it and Apache, it's predecessor, and even load them up from time to time when the nostalgia bug bites me. Even as crude as they are by today's standards, I still find them fun to play.

And the Black Shark sim does look awesome. Eagle Dynamics is the same outfit that did Lock On, aren't they? It looks like they really did their homework for this one. I'll have to add it to my list, too. So many sims, so little time.....
OFF is already ordered, that money was set aside ages ago... Over and above that I had some 30 bucks to blow and I think I will just save up the difference and get that Black Shark, that looks awesome! ...and meanwhile, I will go find my old EECH disks and some mods. Like this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFnTd...itle=Main_Page posted by Warrant as a response to my question in the FSX forum. Anybody else remember HIND?

Thanks for helping me make up my mind.

Longbow 2 is still my all time favorite helo sim, if they could just rebuild it (like they did Falcon 4) and use the same Campaign engine with improved graphics I would pay a lot for it..