OT: Pretty funny joke


members+, Fighter Fanatic
Before you become outraged, just read the whole joke. :d :d

Schwarzenegger has a big one,
Michael J. Fox has a small one,
Madonna doesn't have one,
The POPE has one but doesn't use it,
Clinton uses his all the time,
Mickey Mouse has an unusual one,
George Burns' was hot,
Liberace NEVER used his on women,
Jerry Seinfeld is very very proud of his,
We never saw Lucy use Desi's
what is it?


A last name....... Were you thinking of something else?
Good one! My Dad is always saying riddles like that. When were kids he say a riddle and punish us by not telling use the answer for like a week. I sucked at it, but my older brother was way better at solving them than I was.