OT - Real life follows the virtual


Charter Member
I've noticed lately that my career has been tracking just behind my flight sim hobby. In CFS3 of late I've been reading aircraft manuals (Spitfire and Me 163) and writing pilots notes and checklists for them. Meanwhile I've also been tweaking the propeller in the Spitfire FM to yield appropriate performance. At work, I've been reading aircraft manuals and developing procedures and checklists for the new diesel-powered version of the Glasair Sportsman. And yesterday evening I finished gathering flight test data on a new propeller for it. I guess I'm at the right job. And the "shaders" last night were looking particularly good:
Hi Daniel,

Glad to hear all the study, time and effort has paid off for you. nothing better than working a job you like. And I must say the view from your office window looks a bit better than mine.

regards Rob.
What a view ! Nothing better than doing what you love and getting paid for it too. Reading up also on the Me-163 and the wonderful Spitfire series in anticipation of the upcoming releases .
You're in a great situation Daniel, and you deserve it!
Love the photo, but one thing you don't want to follow cfs3 on is the hun in the sun! :-O
Thanks guys. Yeah, I'm counting my blessings. Yes Clive, thankfully my skies are peaceful (though there are a handful of idiots who may be more dangerous to fly around than the hun in the sun.)