OT/ The Quirk And It's Armament & Instrumentation



Hello Everyone

I've decided to finally get off my arse and write the WW1 War in the Air novel I've always wanted to, so that publishers can reject it outright as they always do with my stuff ;).

With that in mind I wonder if I can pick a few people's brains here on the B.E.2. and more specifically it's armament and instruments.

Now I'm aware that some quirks were armed with Lewis gun's fired by the observer back over the pilot's head, however were any of them ever converted to flight controls in the front in order to allow the observer to inhabit the rear rockpit and use his weapon from there?

Secondly (and my one reference for this is laughable) were any BE2s fitted with an offset Lewis (ala the Bristol Fighter in OFF) for the pilot's use? I saw this once in, of all places, a Commando comic about Zeppelin busting, and it's stuck with me ever since. I'm doubtful that this layout actually occured, so if anyone could tell me for definate I'd be very grateful.

Finally, I'm having trouble locating any visual references for the inside of the BE2 cockpit, and it's instrument layout. Would anyone know where I could find some nice pictures of such, or even just have a list of what the pilot sat looking at in the quirk?

Many thanks for your patience, and many thanks in advance for your help.
Just a suggestion, if you don't find historical references to what you mentioned, you could make it a field mod like Balls' downward firing machine gun in his SE5A. A slightly renegade pilot with an inventive mechanic. Might be done. Sorry if that doesn't help, the thought just occurred to me. Good luck with the book, I'm sure we'd all like to read it. Old Brown Dog Publishing anybody?
Just a suggestion, if you don't find historical references to what you mentioned, you could make it a field mod like Balls' downward firing machine gun in his SE5A. A slightly renegade pilot with an inventive mechanic. Might be done. Sorry if that doesn't help, the thought just occurred to me. Good luck with the book, I'm sure we'd all like to read it. Old Brown Dog Publishing anybody?

Thanks for the comments, it's certainly a possibility, though it may require a bit of plot tinkering.

And thankyou too for the best wishes.

And I've just noticed I'm an idiot, for "Bristol Fighter" in the original post, please read "Bristol Scout". Duh!
