OT...Track IR5 and FS9


Can anyone comment on using Track IR5 with Track Clip Pro Bundle in FS9? My resistance is very low and this spare dime is burning a hole in my pocket!

Seriously though, I've not seen any commenting on "5" using Track Clip in FS9.


Resistance is futile.. click the Paypal button!

I succumbed at Christmas and glad I did. Takes some tweaking and learning, but it works just fine. I don't use it all the time depending on what/when I'm flying but I'm glad I got it

Resistance is futile.. click the Paypal button!

I succumbed at Christmas and glad I did. Takes some tweaking and learning, but it works just fine. I don't use it all the time depending on what/when I'm flying but I'm glad I got it


Thanks for the reply, Rob. The button has been "clicked"! :wavey:
I don't have TrackIR...but the owner of our fave local pizza shop loaned me his IR 4 set up for a month....took me a few days to get used to it....but man oh man what a difference it made in the "realism" factor for me. To be able to lean forward and get a closer look at my gauges, to be able to stick my head out of my cockpit and look down the side of my plane and beyond the high nose of tail draggers. I was very tempted to move to another state, take the IR system with me and not give the guy my new address. But honesty won out and I took it back to him....he offered to let me keep it longer but I told him that I would just get too attached to it and not want to give it back if I kept it longer.


Yeah, most all the comments I've seen on the "system" have been favorable. I was just curious about the latest version. 4 is still available but 5 is the latest and greatest. There are a few comments about V.5 on the X forums but had not seen anyone mention using V.5 with FS9.

I don't expect any problems but that little gadget is not cheap. So, I just was trying to get a warm fuzzy from the 9ers here before I pushed the button. When mine arrives and I get it installed I'll give a comment or 2 about my experience.


I've got Track IR4 in FS9. Absolutely love it. As Obio said, it needs a bit of tweaking and getting used to but once it's sorted you will never look back. One of those truly game changing addons!

I'm with Lonelyplanet. I have track IR 4. Actually debating if I want to upgrade to Track IR 5.
Thanks guys. My order has shipped and I may have it by the weekend. Track IR 5 with Track Clip Pro. Really looking forward to trying this one out!

I'm with Lonelyplanet. I have track IR 4. Actually debating if I want to upgrade to Track IR 5.
You most definitely want to upgrade your software to IR5. It's a free upgrade, and it makes a world of difference. Much smoother and much less "broken neck" syndrome. I love it. Now I need to get the Track Clip add on.
I dont think it's a free upgrade ModelR...

~Edit I tell a lie...

Version 5.0 - Final B
(posted August 10, 2009)
(.exe 6.7 MB)
• Supports TrackIR 5, TrackIR 4:pRO
• Note: TrackIR 3 with Vector support will be added in version 5.1


Thanks Modelr!
With IR5 and the Track Clip PRO you get a couple of bonuses.

  • First, if you get the Track Clip PRO it fits easily on most headsets. You can tie the TIR wire and the headset cable together to minimize tangles. - and you can stop wearing a hat or visor in the house!
  • Since it's IR LED driven (from the Clip Pro) it's better able to handle ambient light (although bright sunlight aimed at you or the receiver will still cause interruptions).
  • The new software/hardware has a much higher resolution which allows Precision Mode to work...The Precision hotkey enables precision mode, which temporarily steadies the view by increasing smoothing. When precision mode is disabled, smoothing settings return to the normal profile preset. Precision mode is commonly used in combat flight simulators when tracking an enemy in your sights to keep the view as stable as possible.
Sure, the cable for the Track Clip PRO is a bit annoying at first when you just have to run for a beer, but since I use a headset (for TeamSpeak) often when flying it's more comfortable and functional than a hat.

BTW, most of you will order thru NaturalPoint or a US retailer. I bought from the Canadian rep and talk about good service! They ask that you order by phone so they can be sure you are ordering the best product for your needs and they avoid PayPal, or online security issues. They won't sell to the US that I know of but a visit to their website is a fun adventure to see what other toys can be had!



Version 5.0 - Final B
(posted August 10, 2009)
(.exe 6.7 MB)
• Supports TrackIR 5, TrackIR 4:pRO
• Note: TrackIR 3 with Vector support will be added in version 5.1

Version 4.1.037 - Final B
(posted July 24, 2009)
(.exe 4.6 MB)
• Supports TrackIR 5, TrackIR 4:pRO, TrackIR 3

TrackClip PRO requires v4.1.029 or later.
Some good feedback here guys. Thanks.

Rob, I fly almost exclusively using my headset because "others" are in the house and my 5.1 speaker system tends to rattle the windows when I'm flying -- R-2800's, Merlins, T-53s and J-79's are not quiet and do not sound "RIGHT" unless turned WAY UP! :icon_lol: My Plantronics Gamers Headset connected to my Sound Blaster X-Fi XtremeGamer sound card does an awsome job in the sound department.

So, the wired CLIP will not be a problem, unless it's a short wire! :kilroy:

would love to be able to get track IR but my finances won't allow it whatsoever .
for those who can tinker a bit , a free software that has the basic functionalities by using a webcam and require the use of LEDs can be substituted . i don't have it but i have never heard anything bad about it .