OT - US Spitfire PRU Story

:salute:Great story, learned alot from the film, now know why they were unarmed and painted blue. Thank you Major:applause::applause::ernae::ernae:
Great story, loved when the old vet realized he was watching himself in the film. Also, makes me wish we had some PR Spits! I figured out how to get rid of the cannons on the wings of our current Spits if someone wants to do some skins.:jump: Mk XI isn't quite right for the Mk IX model we have, but close, and the Mk XIV would make a pretty convincing Mk XIX.
There's a few differences between a XIV and a XIX besides the guns. The main external difference is the windscreen isn't as heavily framed on the XIX. The XIX also has a pressurized cockpit and lots more fuel capacity.

Yes, certainly not identical, but the chances of getting a real XIX for CFS3 are slim to none, so this is second best IMO.
Really enjoyed watching that, it's so much better when the history is connected to the living. As for PR Spits for CFS3 - so many aircraft, so little time, although the PR Mk.XIX is one of my absolute favourites. There's a real PR Mk.XI in the UK which puts in appearances at airshows (Hangar 11 collection, flies on its original engine): I hope I get lucky with the camera at a show this year.
Thanks for sharing that one Major, a wonderful story. Some interesting snippets of Mount Farm and Stendal airbases too.

There's a mk1 PRU Spit in the ETO install btw.

There's that one and Nigel did a pink FR IX as well, we just lack a pretty blue one. I've got to agree with Tom, I think that the PR XIX and the Mk XII are the best looking Spits out there.
I'm not knocking someone else work, just having a bit of fun with John is all. I've always wondered if all these fancy camo schemes or whatever, if they actually worked?