Other stuff


Kurier auf Stube...pauke!
Staff member
Ok -

I will upload over the next few weeks a set of Do 217s bombers and night interceptors. These will all have a new flight model and several have not been uploaded.

Not sure I if I did this but I have 10 Lancasters that were not included in ETO...did I ever upload these? if not these are on their way.

Maybe I'll even finish ........
Great news! You're really emptying to the closet this week Ted! Nope, you never released the other Lancasters, I look forward to them!

Having this and not releasing it was not cool. Just was waiting for something else to happen and it seems it si a bit stalled right now.
Have been and grabbed the Dorniers and Mossies Ted, superb work as always! Many thanks! :salute:

Am off to throw them around a bit. :)