OTT: Funniest Firework videos ever?


Home for tea and tiffin!
I thought these were very funny, though they may offend some due to the political subject matter.





Oddly doing Youtube through SOH didn't bring up the full range of LAAF videos missing out most of the english versions, so look here that their homepage Mind you they're still funny

Hi Guys,


This reminded me of my miss-spent youth, when I was around 12 a few mates and I were playing soldiers and using crackers for handgrenades and sky rockets in conjuntion with an old peice of drain spout as a Bazooka.

The add hock bazooka resulted in me firing at my brother missing and the skyrocket imbedding itself in our 4000 bail haystack, were it duly went off setting fire to the hay, destroying the years crop and the shed!!.

I didnt sit down for a week, and we didnt get fireworks thereafter to play with. (if you know what I mean)

regards Rob.
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha you set fire to a giant hailstack with a makeshift Bazooka! Classic:costumes::applause: