Out of the Western Desert

Hi stoney, I recently bought IL2 Great Battles Bodenplatte and Normandy (right before they went on sale dangit) and am amazed by the graphics compared to the original Il2. I wanted to get the desert one you have but I don't have steam.


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Hi Greenhouse, All I use now is B.A.T.v4.2.2, Hotfix4-Flashpoint. It encompasses Everything and, in my opinion the best overall. All free at SAS site. Nice screen shots!
Thank you, stoney. I like your shot also. I've never heard of that(B.A.T.v4.2.2) before so I went and took a look. This is what I was interested in: Desert Wings-Tobruk at the IL-2 site. But, I don't have Steam.
I figured I'd bypass all of that steam stuff (except for RoF). BAT the best for me. The screen shot was from an landing ground at Tobruk. It does take some time to down load all the files to set up a BAT install but It's worth it.
And I have a question, stoney. Bodenplatte and Normandy are stand alone without the original IL2. Would BAT work with them? It looks like it could be huge, Huub. Since the new computer and FSX won't play well together, I've really enjoyed flying these 2 maps. Done about 6 repaints so far also.


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When IL2 Cliffs of Dover was released I purchased it. As the game wasn't very stable, Steam offered me a free download from IL2 Cliffs of Dover Blitz. However I never managed to get my Thrustmaster T.16000M FCS Hotas working. And when I occasionally manage to set up my joystick, I can't save it, so I need to set it up again the next time I fire up the sim.

The strange thing, as I can remember a period during which my joystick worked without any issues....

When Battle of Stalingrad was on sale a while back, I decided to purchase it, in case I was able to get my joystick working. However as I still don't have it working in CoD Blitz, I didn't install BoS yet......

Like you I'm most interested in Bodenplatte and the Normandy games, but it doesn't make any sense to buy these games as long I haven't sorted out his joystick issue.

Rise of Flight work without issues. However the CD version which I own, doesn't match with the Steam version. So the extra aircraft and maps I have purchased will not work with the (free) steam base package :banghead:.

Sorry to be so late guys, but yes Hub B.A.T. 2.2.2 is a HUGE D/L. In fact I have it installed on a remote HD, but once you get it installed it's pretty much perfect. I have added many new maps and up dated them regularly. So I can fly from the PNG to Y-29 in Europe. I like the scenery as well but have to admit I think UT,s pacific scenery is better.

I do think the planes fly in a more realistic manor than most in CFS2, but that's pretty subjective I guess.
Out of the Western Desert Joystick

Good evening Huub,

as I read about your joystick problems it made tilt in my eyes,
Ok in fact this will be another threat, but you have certainly read about my joystick problems
I have. Reading your post concerning your joystick problems, I wonder if they are due to my FS2004?
I reinstalled it and the problems are still there. hmmmmm
Informatic is not a real science a friend of mine once said.
Best regards
Michael Vader
...Rise of Flight work without issues. However the CD version which I own, doesn't match with the Steam version. So the extra aircraft and maps I have purchased will not work with the (free) steam base package :banghead:.


Sorry to hear that Huub! Why not give the free (non-steam) base game a try: it can be downloaded from the main ROF site (https://riseofflight.com/download/) and I believe, which will accept your extra aircraft and maps purchased serial/registration keys (presumably bought from here: https://riseofflight.com/store/), as it is tied to the main ROF servers.

Albeit, I remain uncertain with respect to the activation/registrations between the CD releases and the F2P download from the ROF site - last I remember reading (and which was more than a decade ago), they were mutually compatible (but not so with the steam release - the steam variant was considered entirely separate), but forgive me, if I am mistaken in said regard!

Hope the above helps!
