Over Flander Fields - Released!!!



Take to the skies
Over Flanders Fields - Between Heaven and Hell
over 4 years in the making - OFF P3 has been released!
OFF will immerse you in a world long gone: the sights, sounds and memories of the skies over France and Flanders, soaring over the gentle landscapes scarred by the trenches, craters and mud of the Great War.

Now available for ordering from our website:


Remember to refresh your browsers to see the updated buttons and links.

Ordered! I think this and the ETO Expansion should be an answer to those who believe CFS3 has no future.
Yep, I have also ordered it this moment.
There is future for CFS3 aslong as there are developments in CFS3 add-ons like MAW/ETO/Korea/Solomons/OFF. :amen:
with flanders ,,are there a ton of patches to add on , or is the cd all patched a sis once you get it //// tks

$59 bucks is kinda steep for my bugdet. i am hoping the electronic dowload when its available will be a little less. the iw ill buy.
:woot::wave::Banane35::bananalama:Ordered! I believe this and the ETO Expansion should be an answer to those who believe CFS3 has no future :applause:
I believe this and the ETO Expansion should be an answer to those who believe CFS3 has no future

Amen to that, but there are still plenty of heathens out there yet to be converted, some folk still give this sim an unwarranted cold shoulder!

Their loss! :monkies:
:amen: also. I don't even play OFF often but I believe in supporting anyone who improves CFS3, even if it costs $50 +. ( I agree an electronic d/l would be nice.) That's also why I hope many of us put some dosh in for this 'ere site.