The cool thing about FS is we can do just about anything we want with it.
If you are happy with your changes enjoy them but they are wrong.
[Reference Speeds]
flaps_up_stall_speed = 112.0 //Knots True (KIAS)
full_flaps_stall_speed = 102.0 //Knots True (KIAS)
cruise_speed = 464.0 //Knots True (KTAS)
max_mach = 0.81
max_indicated_speed = 330 //Red line (KIAS)
Let me try an explain why.
Note I took the liberty of changing the first two comments to KIAS from KTAS.
Stall speed is relative to the air moving over the wing so those speeds will always be indicated speeds.
Cruise Speed is always represented by True Airspeed. The problem is no one ever tells us at what altitude that applies.
Cruise speed and maximum speed will always happen at some altitude where the air is thinner (thus reducing indicated air speed) and the engines still produce sufficient power.
In this case the structure of the aircraft is limited to 330 KIAS anything over that will result in aircraft damage this is the VNE or never exceed speed. As you go higher the air becomes thinner thus creating a condition where you are flying faster than the air is indicating over the structure. The thinner the air is the less the drag is on the airframe. So at some altitude you will be able to go about 464 kts while the indicated speed is well below 330 kias.
However without getting into the speed of sound discussion also note that you are limited to .81 mach. As you go higher the speed of sound becomes slower and you will approach the max mach number before you ever get close to the max indicated number. If you go high enough max mach may prevent you from going 464 kts.
When you fly a jet with auto throttle (or by hand) you fly by max indicated speed up to 18,000' above 18,000' you fly it by max mach. You will need to use caution when flying against the barber pole from probably 16,000 to 20,000. Its very easy to bump into the max/IAS limits at those altitudes.
So the original numbers were right you were just flying too fast too low (or possibly too fast too high).
Note most jets are fastest in True Airspeed between 20,000' and 30,000'. Rest set your aircraft to the original values and try flying at those altitudes. Keeping in mind the 18,000 rule set your auto throttle for less than 330 below 18,000 and below .81 mach above 18,000. Watch how close you are flying at those maximum numbers. A good wind shift will throw you into overspeed fast.