OZx releases airports package V3.5

Thanks for the link, BUT, this gets me wondering

[FONT=&quot]quote 2. Ensure that “OZx_AUS” & “OZx_LIB” are enabled in the FSX Scenery Library and above FTX

Every time FTX Central is run it places the FTX files above i.e. lower layer numbers than anything else. [/FONT]
"Every time FTX Central is run it places the FTX files above i.e. lower layer numbers than anything else. "

Quoting didn't work for me, but I believe this is the time you use the Insertion Point thingy in their control panel, so as to keep things in order?
In the PDF manual it talks about PREREQUISITES :

1. OZx_AUS 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 plus OZx_LIBS 1.0 and 1.1.

I looked on the OZx site and can not find any of these

EDIT: Found the back arrows on the bottom of the download page
"Every time FTX Central is run it places the FTX files above i.e. lower layer numbers than anything else. "

Quoting didn't work for me, but I believe this is the time you use the Insertion Point thingy in their control panel, so as to keep things in order?

I never noticed that before, thanks! Always tended just to let it run and do its own thing. So much for the inquiring mind. :biggrin-new:
Another thing! Checking my repositiry of d/l files on my external HD, I seem to have two files with the titled OZx4.0PartA.zip and OZx4.0PartB.zip. They are dated 10/07/2011. I have no idea as I have never gotten around to installing OZx. There seems no trace of these files on the OZx site, was this a V4 release subsequently withdrawn or something else. I am loathe to run the exe files just in case but curiosity might get the better of me.
Anyone in the know? :wavey:
Anyone in the know?

Well ah, hum, uh... The 3.0 series is the official/sanctioned/approved versions. V4.0 I do happen to have on my HD and I anticipate installing out of curiosity either in FSX (I use P3D, but have FSX sitting here) or another system to compare the files. The story behind 4.0 reflects back onto some turbulence within the Aussie dev community and I think I'll pass on retelling the stories. But I do kinda miss Mark W. Lee... :wavey:
Don't we all Mesh :) But Mark wanted to just retire/let go of it all and we have to respect that. The new team has done an amazing job and I am happy that after all these years the 4.0 headache can finally be forgotten.