P-38L exhaust


Charter Member
In some of the p-38L the exhaust fumes come out of the side while in others they come out of the top carburator on the engine. How can I make it so that all of the P-38 have their exhaust fumes coming out at the top?
Tried playing arround the effects portion of the .xdp file with no success.
you can

Define the location of an effect is emitted from using x y z coordinates. If you look at some xdps, especially those with navigation lights or wingtip condensation trails, you will see how this is done. You will need to experiment on location. One hint will be in the cfg file for engine location as you have a longitude parameter to start with, it will have a minus sign for one engine and the same exact number for the other yet being positive. The latitude number (fore/aft) for the new emitter will be negative, so some of these can get you started. I forget but it think x is left/right, y fore/aft and z is height... I think:dizzy:

All emitters other than the ones using the location method are hard coded into the mesh. :biggrin-new:
Just keep in mind the cfg uses feet and the xdp uses meters. Thanks microsoft. Was it too much to pick just one measurement system?:banghead: