P-40 Prop textures


Charter Member
Hey all,
I am currently in a bit of a P-40 kick right now (Donationware P-40E, IRIS P-40s, Bruce Thorson's P-40B/C). I am however wondering where one can find an improved prop texture for Bruce Thorson's Hawk 81 and the Donationware P-40E. They apparently don't use the standard 256x256 bitmap like most other planes; in fact on the Donationware bird there doesn't seem to be a bitmap for propblur (not sure on this; every time I try to find out on my demo version of FSPaint the program crashes); as for Thorson's plane the bitmap is 512x512 and just blowing up a 256x256 bitmap by 200% doesn't do it a bit of good. I tried to look up bananabob's prop shop but the links seem dead. Any ideas or takers? Thanks in advance. :wavey: