P-40Es - Is there anybody we've forgotten?


Charter Member 2016
Just in case the Yanks feel left out, I thought we'd better do one.

Or even two, although the USAAF didn't actually use the P-40E as much as one tends to think.

Thanks ndicki, great to have several of those that served in 1942 in Africa, the Philippines and Australia. Fantastic work.
Already done 112 Squadron - in the RAF pack.

Although those are Tomahawks anyway....
To use the Dynamic Reticles for the aircraft in this package add this line to the effects section of the xdp file:

<Effect Type="Track" EffectName="US_AAF_N6a_gunsight" PosX="0.0025" PosZ="0.55" PosY="0.875" Pitch="90.5" MinVel="-999999" MaxVel="999999"/>