P 47C Upgrade?


I'm not all that happy to use the existing 3us_p_47c_5 for the Regensburg Schweinfurt missions, so I am just wondering whether anyone has the ability, time, and willingness to upgrade it somewhat? :wavey: Mainly WRT the cockpit and Flight Model Workbook which is currently V2.82.100.
I have already upped the texture to 2048 and made a 1024 AI version.
AH made a P-47C , but no one has offered up a copy yet. The Admin. there at AH approved of sharing the P-47 series. Is there any one with the AH P-47 series package ?
AFAIK the 3us_p_47c_5 was an AvH model
Flight Model By: gregoryp
6/14/03 02:25 PM
Flight Model Workbook V2.82.100
Damage Model Workbook Version 2.14

It's just old and ? if a better 'pit can be ported over + a model upgrade to v4*
Ask Rene. He may be able to help in updating the Flight model and maybe even the skin. He has a lot on his plate ,but his work on the P-47 package he done is fantastic and accurate.