P-51D "Daddy's Girl" (N20MS)

P-51D "Daddy's Girl" (N20MS) 2024-06-02

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falcon409 submitted a new resource:

P-51D "Daddy's Girl" (N20MS) - WWII Repaint

View attachment 128017

This is a repaint for the Warbirdsim P-51D "Mustang Tales" and replacement textures for the "Restored Part 2" payware addons. This repaint depicts the restored P-51D-20-NA 44-63807, registered as N20MS, owned by Charles Somers of Sacramento, CA. The aircraft is known to have been delivered to England and accepted by the 8th Air Force, but no combat assignments are known (likely remaining a pool aircraft). Light on hours/practically new, the aircraft was...

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