P-51D Mustang "Sierra Sue II"

P-51D Mustang "Sierra Sue II" V2

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falcon409 submitted a new resource:

P-51D Mustang "Sierra Sue II" - WWII Liveries

View attachment 129143

This is a completely new repaint for the Warbirdsim P-51D payware products; "Little Friends", "Happy Jack's Go Buggy: Then and Now", and "Mustang Tales".

This repaint depicts the restored P-51D-20-NA 44-63675 "Sierra Sue II", registered N1751D, which is the most accurate/authentic WWII P-51D flying today.

A very rare combat-vet survivor, this aircraft served with the 402nd FS, 370th FG, of the 9th AF, based in Belgium and Germany in April and May 1945...

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