P-51D Mustang "The Shark" G-SHWN

P-51D Mustang "The Shark" G-SHWN 2024-06-04

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falcon409 submitted a new resource:

P-51D Mustang "The Shark" G-SHWN - D-Day 75th Anniversary Livery

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This is a repaint for the payware Warbirdsim P-51D "Restored Part 2" and "Mustang Tales" products. This repaint depicts the restored P-51D 44-73877, registered in the UK as G-SHWN, owned by Shaun Patrick and which is flown under loan to the Aerial Collective and Norwegian Spitfire Foundation. Based at Duxford, UK, the aircraft is painted in the authentic markings of an RAF 112 Squadron Mustang Mk.IVa (P-51K), KH774, which in 1945 was based at Cervia...

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