P-61 Research

  • Thread starter MustangNightFighter
  • Start date


So, I've been doing some research on the P-61 so I can start making one and I came across these great photos that I thought I would share to get some people into the mood of nightflying...
Any suggestions on what I should make first. What would be easy? The radar? Maybe the turret? Remember, I need to get a feel for Gmax first and I have no clue what to start with... I would rather do somethign small than a huge part of the airplane.

Just start. Get good 3 view line drawings, set them up, and then start by making the fuselage and work out from there. Simple parts like the engine cowl, spinners, tires and wheels, landing gear... all can be done. However, without the "plane" it is somewhat abstract. IMHO
Wow, this is going to take a lot longer than I thought. At least I now have started the fuselage.
Thanks, as if I wasn't already overwhelmed with the weight of the project itself, now you've given me a bunch of skins to make when I finish. Here are the skins and the info about them that I found on the website Nachtpiloten gave me. Danka. Oh yeah, just a note of personal interest, the second to last P-61 up there, Lady Gen, is my favorite bird as it is the only USAAF NF ace from the ETO as far as I know, got a V-1 kill, and has a great looking paint scheme. It's also my avatar...

Post Script
If anyone is interested in making this into a team effort, that would be great. We could call it the Widow Squad and get free entrance to airshows... JK :kilroy:
Just out of curiosity, would it be possible to convert one of the P-61's from CFS2, FS 2002, FSX, or maybe the WIP IL2 one?
Bummer, I guess this preview has been for a movie a couple years away then. While I'm at it, I think I'll build the XP-61F. Like the XP-61E but based around the C model instead of the B for better speed. Max speed of around 440mph with a range of around 4000mi and a collection fo 4x20mm and 4x.50 cal guns in the bay and nose. Only 20mph less than the XP-82 and nearly double the range and more than double the firepower plus countless times the manueverbility thanks to those zap flaps. Unfortunately, the Twin program and other jet programs kept Northrop from making more than one F. Luckily, we got the F-15A Reporter. Same plane excpet made for recon. I believe that brings the models to produce up to four. The A, B, C, and F. I hope everybody here loves night and super-long range opps as much as I do. Long live the spider...
Sweet! There was one in progress but I don't remeber where. Please use the later line drawings. That radome on the first was not right, even for the small one. Dont' worry about skins. I was lucky that someone actually did the S-51. I hope someone here can tell us where the trail leads even to the mesh files from the other sims.

Also, don't you think that original cockpit looks like a P-51B frame with additions? I think that's a good guide to build from. The Beaufighter and Lightning both ended up feeling a little distant and large so if you can tighten it up that would be great. For reference, I'm thinking of the picture of St. Ex. strapping into his P-38. Not sure how tall he was but it was tight in there. The plastic model was a little large in there too.

Just out of curiosity, would it be possible to convert one of the P-61's from CFS2, FS 2002, FSX, or maybe the WIP IL2 one?

Ok, here is what you do. Contact the author of the plane you like the most and then ask. Once in a while you'll get luck especially if it is freeware. I one guy turns you down ask someone else. You may not ever use the model you get but you can use it for references.