P2 Vid: Achtung ! Zeppelin !



"The Boys" are at it again. Wing has requested they acquire a Zeppelin for research purposes. However, as always, things don't go entirely to plan but somehow "The Boys" manage to scrape through yet again with surprisingly good results from an Allied perspective.

Poverty Row Productions present ....

"Achtung ! Zeppelin !"

great video ! :applause: Apart from the Gotha attacking a Zeppelin and making aerobatic manoeuvres lol. How can you destroy such a wonderful swan of the air !
The 1st music title reminds me of the german bands and theatre shows until the 40ies - not that i'm that old, but li like this kind of music very much, and have quite some of it. Rogers and Hart are alltime classics as well.
And "Ricky von Manthofen" lol ...

Hmm, i have to admit the Zeppelin is not as bad as i had in mind from last looking at it. It is even correct to the clothed tail skid of the L30.
Here's a link to the remains of the real "L30" rigid naval airship type Zeppelin:


I have to admit the Gotha and the Zeppelin are far more interesting than always that same Albatros, and an SE5a, or Camel. Maybe it could be included in OFF sooner or later ?

Thanks for sharing the video,
Thanks Catfish. I thought it was a pretty good vid myself. Zeps, gotha's, Dr1's (all flyable versions) and the cliched (no offence old chap) straitlaced but slightly stupid German flying ace complete with tragic ending. The heroes of course get away scott free .... as always lol. But the reaction has been underwhelming. You just never can tell in this moshun pitcha business :costumes:

Great pics on that Zep site by the way (text in German so just babble to me). I liked the pic of the 3-gunner position on the top :ernae:

Anyway, you've now got P1's version of those incredible "ships in the sky". Enjoy.
Ya, Mr.Catch, I zaw zhat it was but a poor example

of vat true German pilots cuud do. Zere vill be Kithcne duties for all those incompetents that allowed such an Allied misson to succeed!

Be avare you limy types, ve vill ave ar revenge!
