concerning AI improves with a better systems i have doubts, and made other experiences.
I have upgraded from a 1gig Ram, 3000+ AMD with a 9800 graphic card, to a 4Gb, 2.4 GHz x2 Intel dual core with PCI express and a much faster ram clock, and the "AI" is the very same. As well i have seen OFF run on a friend`s rig that has a 3000x2 Dual proc., and 4Gb Ram. Whatever the use of this Ram is on an XP system .. the AI at his rig behaves similar to the AI on my rig.
I can shoot down 4 Sopwith Pups with my Fokker Eindecker, no joke. They boom and zoom, circle (sooner or later their circling gets so tight that they lose altitude and inevitably crash into the ground), and even if thy turn into me with a tighter circle, they do not shoot, or only once, and do not use their position to their advantage - instead they turn away from me and keep on circling.
They just keep circling, and the only problem to shoot them down immediately is that you can't follow them in an Eindecker. Leave the scenery, turn and fire two bursts, turn away, get some distance, turn again, fire two bursts - and so on.
Another thing is i constantly hear the rattling of machine guns, and i see the enemy scouts fire - but at no target. They just fire without a target in front of them.
The only manouvering advantage they have is the AI can dive vertically in e.g. an N11 without ever taking any damage.
The video: Nice one, but an SE5a behind a triplane, ok. The DRI does not perform tight turns, and it does not simply climb away from the SE5, instead it keeps flying straight most of the time, only making slight turns. Catch22, i will not belittle your flying skills which are good, but you would have been toast in human vs. human encounter. The only chance of the SE5 is its ability to fly and dive faster - the second you decide to glue to the tail of a DRI you would be dead.
I believe that the AI will be better in phase3, but it definitely is not good in phase2, regardless of the system - i can say i have tested it now on three different rigs. Maybe it works better on a Cray

B.t.w. i have all sliders to 5, except ground detail, and clouds. AA is set to 2x. Realsim is set to "full", guns are set to have wide spread.