P3 DVD lineup



Hi All,

Is there a new place yet where I can submit my request for the P3 DVD? I've checked the forum but can't find any post.

Or, are we just waiting to see if the original list will be salvaged?

Being a new recruit, I'm not very aware of the original P3 DVD arrangement before the system crash, such as who was keeping the list, etc.

Thanks for any info!
Hi Jimko, I'm sure there used to be a list of folks registering an interest, but that's maybe got lost with the SOH meltdown.

This $50 I have is burning a whole in my pocket, but after OFF 1 & 2, I can guarantee OFF 3 will be worth the wait.

Edit - ah cheers Captain Scott. Now I remember. :costumes:
A big THANKS for the link, Captain Scott, and for the encouraging note, flyby!

I'll get to that link asap...I wonder if bribes help? :icon_lol:

Probably not! :frown:
Captain Scott...

What was I thinking? (or not thinking?)

Now that I see the link, I remember seeing this before. I just forgot about it... :isadizzy:

Got it!
Hi Jimko: Welcome from a fellow Vancouver Islander.

No worries about the pre-order system guys...I believe Polovski posted a day or two ago that it is in no way connected to SOH so the recent SOH crash is of no concerm
Hey there 77Scout! :wavey:

Thanks for the welcome, neighbour, and for the update. I'm a little emabarrassed that I forgot about the main OFF site and the links...typical new recruit! :redf:

It's all good. Now if they'd only just hurry up and finish P3!:banghead:
I feel it only fair, to say that prior to the A-Bomb striking SOH, the List had a minimum of 5600 names.

The actual List is Totally independant of SOH

Sooo belly up to the Bar . . and Pre-order :ernae:
5600 names! :eek: Yikes!

It's going to take a bigger bribe than I can afford to move up the list...:costumes:

Say, I didn't get the auto-email-response when I signed up. Does it matter?
Say, I didn't get the auto-email-response when I signed up. Does it matter?

Hard to say . . a lot depends on the program being utilized

Could send out aknowlege requests at the end of the business day ?

Could be triggered by a number required ?

Could be weekly ?

Maybe it's broken ?

I'd wait 72 hours, before I did anything
Possibly they are making all 5,600 copies prior to release to get all pre-orders out simultaneously...that would make sense and could account for the extra time needed for the release of P3.
Where did that figure come from? Random number generator ? ;)
Possibly they are making all 5,600 copies prior to release to get all pre-orders out simultaneously...that would make sense and could account for the extra time needed for the release of P3.

That would be a very bad idea, IMHO. I don't know how long they have been taking pre-orders, but I would be very surprised if even 75% of those who signed up will actually purchase phase 3 when it is finally ready for release. It's very easy to say you will purchase a copy when it comes out and quite another to actually shell out $50 when it comes time to it--especially with the economy teetering on the edge and what not. Add to that all the other reasons why someone might change his or her mind--lost interest (unlikely, I know), lost job, lost girlfriend, found girlfriend, :a1089:moved, etc. 1,400 copies of OFF lying around unused at $50 a pop would cost the devs almost $70,000 :eek: in money they could otherwise pour into phase 4!

IMO, a better practice would be to run off maybe 10% (560 copies) in order to get an idea how many people who pre-ordered OFF will actually purchase phase 3 when it come out. The OFF people can then readjust how many copies to run off based upon these early results without having to take a financial bath if too many people renege on their purchases. In fact, they should do a test run of only 10-20 disks just to make sure that the burning/imaging process doesn't have any bugs.

Of course, I'm sure that the OFF people have thought about these issues and have already figured out how they wish to handle them.
Aye, some points:

1) We haven't mentioned any figures of pre orders anywhere -see above post. For sure not all people who register an interest will go ahead and buy happens with anything of course.
2) If we make zillions of DVDs we will be careful to be sure it's what is needed.
Where did that figure come from? Random number generator ? ;)

Very glad to hear that!

I wish the team many profitable DVD sales, but 5600 copies would take a bit of a factory production to make and deliver.

Actually, I created the story, but I started with 560 copies to see if it would grow and then someone added another "0"...

:costumes: Just Kidding! :costumes:

Still no email auto-confirmation for my application for the P3 DVD. Should this concern me?
Do you know how much time P2 has been downloaded or how much peoples on this forum are related to OFF or posting only in the OFF part of the forum? Could it be a clue?

Also, I'm surely not the only one who don't have registered yet and can't imagine he would not buy it.
I would be very surprised if even 75% of those who signed up will actually purchase phase 3 when it is finally ready for release. It's very easy to say you will purchase a copy when it comes out and quite another to actually shell out $50 when it comes time to it

Then there are the rest of us who have been literally praying for this sim for a long time who have the $50 locked away in a box with P3 scribbled in sharpie on it.:costumes:
My $50 plus shipping is tucked away in my PayPal account just waitin' for the word go. I sure hope they still have the early pre-orders as I was, IIRC, around #5 on the list!
