P3 is here, but TrackIR now DEAD!



Hey, all,

Just got my copy of P3 in the mail yesterday, and installed it over a previous install of patched CFS3/OFF2. Installation went slick as grease, took about twelve minutes, and I was in the air! To my shock and horror, though, my TrackIR 4 doesn't work at all in P3!!! The TrackIR program is running in the background, the green LED is on, and prior to starting OFF, a test of the system shows normal tracking and good rotation of the model heads. Once in OFF, though, no joy! I then loaded up IL2 1946, and tried the TrackIR in IL2, and it appears to function fine. I applied the new OFF3 patch without effect. Tried rebooting the computer, unplugging and plugging in the TIR, all to no avail!
I would love to give a spectacular and glowing review of P3 (gotta call it that, BHAH sounds too much like an evil laugh), but my loss of TIR has seriously got my shorts in a bunch. Can anyone help?

Got two ideas: Make sure the Default Profile is checked.

That was the easy one, now I'd try an uninstall and reinstall of the program with the disc

These things are magic :ernae: Better you than me
Did you download the latest driver for your Trackir? If you're using Vista, you need it. It was done by Rexhannover of the OFF Team and fixes the Vista/CFS3/Trackir issue. If you don't have it, go to www.naturalpoint.com and get it.

I'm using XP, not Vista, so shouldn't need NaturalPoint Vista driver. I suspect Gimpy is right, I'll need to uninstall & reintall CFS3 and P3. I tried to run vanilla CFS3 to see if TIR worked, but got a message that it wouldn't load, some aspect of it was "out of date", so there may be an underlying CFS3 problem. I just hope I can find both of my old CFS3 discs!

I'm using XP, not Vista, so shouldn't need NaturalPoint Vista driver. I suspect Gimpy is right, I'll need to uninstall & reintall CFS3 and P3. I tried to run vanilla CFS3 to see if TIR worked, but got a message that it wouldn't load, some aspect of it was "out of date", so there may be an underlying CFS3 problem. I just hope I can find both of my old CFS3 discs!


Okay, everything is fixed now. Running "default profile" from workshops did nothing, so I unintalled and reinstalled everything including CFS3 and its patch, TrackIR software upgraded to newest version, and BHAH. TrackIR is working again in OFF, and the world is a happy place! Just shot up a bunch of enemy trucks on the road, and they blow up good! The front lines look great, and all the skins--wow! Great work, OFF devs!:jump:

It would appear that my Vista32 installation of OFF3 has the same problem as regards TrackIR is concerned and that I may have to do a complete uninstall /reinstall of CFS 3.1 and OFF3 . Could anyone advise whether a complete uninstall of CFS3.1 will be neccesary?
Actually first try is uninstall TrackIR, and reinstall it (backup your profiles)?
Hi All, I acted on your first advice Pol, that is, I did a quick uninstall/reinstall of CFS and OFF3 (remember to do it completely as described in the sticky) It,s all working fine, including TrackIR. Apart from that little problem a very smooth install on Vista 32..... OFF 3 Looks fantastic,well done to you and the team.
Hi All, I acted on your first advice Pol, that is, I did a quick uninstall/reinstall of CFS and OFF3 (remember to do it completely as described in the sticky) It,s all working fine, including TrackIR. Apart from that little problem a very smooth install on Vista 32..... OFF 3 Looks fantastic,well done to you and the team.

Great stuff - pleased you are sorted.

Ok great thanks Daveebee -maybe I'll add that to the FAQ soon.