P3 kill claim questions



I received my P3 copy today, and have been playing for about 5 hours straight! I've shot down an even dozen aircraft in my DII (mostly quirks, they flame so darn easy :) ), and I have yet to get credit for a kill.

When I fill out the kill claim form, should I enter each craft individually? Or is it ok to have one type per line (ie 3 BE2 kills, then 2 DH2's)?

And when filling out the description, what types of key words work best? It defaults to "Craft hit" and "killed." Should I just leave it at that, or does it pay to be more descriptive?

Thirdly, how necessary is entering a witness name? My last mission was a lone wolf patrol where I downed 4 BE2's within sight of a friendly airfield. But no squad mates were in the air, so no witnesses. And do I have to spell their names exactly? Those german names are sometimes tricky! Also the kill claim window obscures the list of flight member names, so its hard to know who to put down.

Sorry for all the questions, but I'd really like credit for my kills. I know I am downing the aircraft, I get a "xxx killed" in blue text. I must be doing something wrong in filling out the paperwork. That's bureaucracy for you.

Thanks for making such a great game! My only gripe is that the default snap views are limiting. But my TrackIR is coming on thursday, so its a temporary issue.
Hello Bamjos
You can list the total numbers of a certain type of craft on one line, Ex 2 SPADVII. You can put whatever you want in the comments. For example, when you shot down the oponents on a solo mission, you are prompted to fill out the claims report but probably won't get credit without a witness. You can atleast record it in your log. It happened in the Great war and is part of the immersive quality of the game.
When doing the testing with several pilots trying to survive the air war, I kept a notepad with wingmens names so I didn't end up at the end of a mission with kills and no witness to help confirm them. Another part of the immersive quality of the sim. You get to know who you are flying with. When you watch an opponent spiralling into the ground and see one of your squadron mates fly past you think "I know one of my squad mates witnessed that one.
You will eventually get credited with kills.
I found myself getting a little carried away with the comments. "Tangled with 6 Camels near Aulnoy, shot down one before sustaining engine damage and had to make an emergency landing in the nearest open field."
Have fun with it.
Just to back-up Makai here, after reading the book 'Bloody April - Black September' by Norman Franks and Co., I quickly noticed how many victories went unconfirmed in WWI during those heavier combat times. Quite often, a pilot (regardless of national affiliation) would submit a claim of shooting down an EA, however, that pilot, or EA wound-up back at base, or landing at another field. So the victory was considered unconfirmed.

Even though you may see the craft hit the ground, to the head office, you had NO witnesses, so no confirmation. The British were very staunch on that aspect.

As Makai noted, it's best to jot down the names before the mission, take note on the map where the victory was and add all of it to the details. I even want so far as to add markings as well...

"Engaged and shot down 1 RE8, red wheels, white 'X' on side west of Cambrai, near river. Crate was trailing black smoke, however no fire. Gunner killed."

If you read any books that contain kill records, the pilots of WWI wrote similar combat reports. It just adds another level of realism to the game, and you can always look back at your kill records with a sense of pride. You don't have to, the extra verbage does not effect your chances of gettting credit. It's just more fun for you, rather than just seeing... "1 RE8 shot down" on your kill list.

Thanks for making such a great game! My only gripe is that the default snap views are limiting. But my TrackIR is coming on thursday, so its a temporary issue.

Hi Bamjos,

for the snap views if you hit the scroll lock key you go from snap views to a panable view controlled by the hat switch on your joystick, which is not to bad for looking around and keeping an eye on an enemy target. its not the same as trakir but its better than straight snapping.

regards Rob.
Thanks guys! I'll start keeping a notepad.

I know that often times ground crew at other airfields or infantrymen would call it to confirm victories. Is this reflected in the game at all? ie If I down an aircraft behind friendly lines.

Thanks for the tip about pan-able view mode. I still need to get the hang of it, but it helps see those "hard to reach places."
I want express thanks to OFF team, this "kill claim form" is brilliant and joyful idea!
Thanks guys! I'll start keeping a notepad.

I know that often times ground crew at other airfields or infantrymen would call it to confirm victories. Is this reflected in the game at all? ie If I down an aircraft behind friendly lines.

Well even without a squad witness you will sometimes get a kill as someone else may have confirmed it - but it is much less likely.