P3 Marksmanship



Hey OVS,
From your photos, esp. the last one, it looks like the camels are firing from a good ways out and scoring telling hits on your machine. Is P3 plagued by the AI uber marksmen or does it just look that way from the photos?
The thousand yard sniper is dead and buried. That being said, don't fly in straight lines, or you will be too.
In Phase 3, mostly AI will sometimes take pot shots at you, if you are flying straight making a nice easy target, from under 400 yards - this value is set by us. It's not effective much but the odd long range hit did occur in real life too, and a hit to the head might hurt as MvR found out ;) ...so it is a plausible distance to hit something if you are not evading like you should be. Also often I can hit at that distance a few rounds out of a few hundred - very wasteful but sometimes can be useful to distract the enemy or help a wingman in trouble.

But they do not "snipe" any more.

Pilots like MvR fired at craft at a distance that were faster and leaving him, to make them jink, so losing speed. Of course if you want to make sure you kill and waste no ammo then get in close is always the recommended tactic.
Pol S!
400 yards? - in a WW1 plane? I must say I will find that iffy. In fact, the more i think about it, it is really disappointing
IMHO those planes didn't have a snowball's chance in hell at hitting at that distance.
Oh gawd.. I just explained why they sometimes do, and it's fine in game.

*I* can hit from that range and waste many 100's of rounds of course in the process. Not good idea if you want to live.

It is possible to hit with SOME rounds just unlikely.

You have to actually play it before making a comment really. Don't fly in a dumb straight line as any decent pilot would not do, and all is well. They do not snipe anymore.

As I said Manfred vR got hit from waaaaay further than he thought possible, 1 round in the head, so it can happen, just as a good rule you need to get in close first to be EFFECTIVE.
Pol S!
400 yards? - in a WW1 plane? I must say I will find that iffy. In fact, the more i think about it, it is really disappointing
IMHO those planes didn't have a snowball's chance in hell at hitting at that distance.

Well keep yer hair on - its a variable that we have full control over thanks to Rex Hannover.

And so far 400 metres gives good dogfights without the AI missing opportunities and without the long distance snap firing that P2 suffers from (WW2 distances). Remember AI are coded objects they simply are not as as quick as the human can be - sure we have experienced players in the beta testing.

Moreover the DM is completely different to P2.

So again its a matter of game play balance - we can make it 50 Yards but then AI seldom if ever will manage to get into a position to shoot you for a long enough burst and you will make 17 hours in aahmm about 17 hours... everytime...

But check out the vids most of the action is exciting short range combat as it was.....

Just to clarify don't forget we have NEW AI. It does not mean "ALWAYS START FIRING IMMEDIATELY at 400m" it means the AI is actively looking to shoot from then on, but usually will be much closer before it gets a good bead... unless of course you are dumb and fly nice and straight in combat in which case you deserve all you get ;)
Oh good. Now I can nip from my brandy flask without getting blasted evrytime.
400 yds

Folks 400 yds...even in my profession with divine help I need to be sitting on top of something before I hit it at all...eyesight shot to hell after too many years of reading small print Bibles!!!!
Now where did I put those glasses!!!!!
With tracers, you can try

Yeah, I've tried it out (still in Ph2, off course): a Camel out of ammo tried to make it home, and I couldn't get closer; so I sent the tracers, adjusted a bit, and scored enough hits to force him into a curve; which got me closer on. So, when you have no other chance, you may try "sniping", instead of carrying ammo home. And so will the AI, if I get Pol right. Fair enough - check your six, until you're really home again.