P3 Update....



Just a quick update that I thought might be needed especially as SOH have lost all the threads - as we all know.

We have been flat out these past few weeks testing and tweaking and fixing bugs - things are really starting to come together quite well now.
Yes you can tell we are also not rushing it but it still has been a hectic few weeks or is that months since we started testing.
No I am not committing to any date as per usual - we all have days jobs etc.

I have noticed a few comments out there about the OFF vids looking good because they are all human players in an MP session...
Well just for the record all the vids as made by Polovski are shot in campaign mode with only Pol against the AI.
So in reaility this is encouraging to hear that the AI look that human - but they are still just AI!!


Yes you can tell we are also not rushing it but it still has been a hectic few weeks or is that months since we started testing.


how quickly you forget WM (or is it just because you want to forget?) You guys released P1 a couple of years ago, so you have been hard at it for a long, long time.

keep up the good work (please)
how quickly you forget WM (or is it just because you want to forget?) You guys released P1 a couple of years ago, so you have been hard at it for a long, long time.

keep up the good work (please)

yeah 5 years for WM.. 4 for me and some other guys

P1 was Dec 2005 but took a couple of years to get that done too before ;).
Thanks Winder for the update........

It will perhaps allow time for a few "Stickies" to be generated, as GG will have the usual methods for staying alive a few extra hours, cheating or not, all is fair in love and war. And perhaps the "Good Read" books will reappear, as there seems to be many new and keen flight sim enthusiasts.

And, with my birthday coming up soon, what a better gift for my wife to bestow upon me,( as she knows I will be too busy flying to bother her :d)

So, it may also allow a new "Stories from the Front" in which Catch 22 will entertain us not only with video, but prose too.

So slog on ye weary gentlemen, to a reward that is steeped in glory, as you fly Over Flanders Fields, somewhere between Heaven and Hell:

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.


Re the videos...

As I said in my recent self-introduction post, those videos really hooked me into this sim; I must have watched them a dozen times each...they are EXCELLENT! These really took me back to a time when I was highly interested in the Great "Air" War and they revived my interest in flight simming.

So, many accolades to Polovski and team for the creative artistry of putting together video and music! I think that you are just about ready for the Cannes Film Festival, or perhaps the one in Toronto...."Best Documentary" category??

:applause: :applause: :applause: