p38 ... quesiton please


Charter Member
out of all the eras eto, pto etc.... is there a choice of p38 version , well config and accurate and well flying in comparision to the many out there ,,,thanks ...canada joshua
hi rocketred, good question! I will be interested to hear views on the subject.

I am taking a look at a comparison of aircraft cfg files in MAW, because I am not happy about how some Allied aircraft, in AI mode, seem to munch up perfectly good Axis aircraft like the 109_f4. For example, the Martlet seems to be on steroids.

I don't know how the P38 is supposed to fly, but generally I can take out a lot of things with long range sniping using the 20mm nose cannon.
No, there's not a lot to choose from in the P-38 genre for CFS3.

There are P-38F, P-38J and P-38L models, but they all date back 10 years or more.

As far as the AI having an unfair advantage, that's built into the way the game treats AI versus the player aircraft. There are a few dedicated AI versions that incorporate phantom payloads to achieve something closer to parity, but most aircraft do not have that modification in place so can easily run rings around you.
The AI tactics also are biased toward whichever aircraft can turn tightest, putting the Bf 109 and Fw 190 at a disadvantage against many of the allied aircraft. They are perfectly capable of winning a fight, the AI just doesn't use them to their strengths.