P3D 3.3.5 and default FSX aircraft


Charter Member
I am having a strange problem. On certain default FSX airplanes such as the Lear 45 and the Grumman G21 and the DHC Beaver, the VC is not visible. Interestingly the C-172 works fine.

It appears the interior mdl file isnt visible. is anyone aware of compatibility issues with these 3 planes? I have fllown both the G21 and the Beaver in earlier P3D versions

I'm using the Goose and the Beaver, transfered from FSX Steam, into my P3D 3.2.3 and they work without issues. But I haven't tried to update to 3.3 yet...
Could it be that the update from 3.2 to 3.3 erased some of the files from these planes ? I'm thinking more specifically to the "content" update, which may have replaced these airplanes with AI variants ?
Could it be that the update from 3.2 to 3.3 erased some of the files from these planes ? I'm thinking more specifically to the "content" update, which may have replaced these airplanes with AI variants ?

Daube, good call. That is exactly what it was. I copied these three aircraft again over from FSX and they worked fine. P3D 3.3.5 when updating "content" copied AI versions of the FSX birds. I had thought the models looked a bit crude when I was trying to use these after updating, but never made the link.

Thanks for the help!!! Note to anybody else who runs into this problem.

Daube, good call. That is exactly what it was. I copied these three aircraft again over from FSX and they worked fine. P3D 3.3.5 when updating "content" copied AI versions of the FSX birds. I had thought the models looked a bit crude when I was trying to use these after updating, but never made the link.

Thanks for the help!!! Note to anybody else who runs into this problem.


I know a bit late in reply. I have collected all the FSX defaults into a zip file for issues like this going forward. Just be aware that P3D has an AI version of the Grumman Goose, so a bit of tweaking and title editing in the aircraft.cfg is needed to get it to work and not clash with the AI version. I generally do all of my porting over manually with a dummy folder and FSX.exe in it, then install the model to this dummy folder. I then tweak some bits in the aircraft.cfg, mainly changing the title to the actual real world manufacturer, along with the manufacturer part as well. And I add the ui_createdby='name of Model developer' if missing. These edits simply tidy up the finding of the aircaft when looking for it in P3d. And out of all of them out there and not working well or at all, and stuffing up P3D, I have found the Estonia P3D Migration tool a great addon to speed this up. Well worth the purchase and as far as my testing has gone, IT WORKS.
