P3D Mesh Files???


Charter Member 2016
For once;-) I’m ‘attempting’ to keep a new P3D installation as close to LM recommendations as possible. To do this requires some forethought when installing addons.

The addon MESH I have is all Justin’s from FSGenisis which, in FSX is installed to a variety places including the numbered file structure of the root ‘scenery’ folder, the ‘scenery/world/scenery’ folder, the base ‘Addon Scenery’ folder, and other sub folders that require the user to activate in the library. Basically, I think Justin made a bit of a mess with the installation routines.

A question for you scenery guys if I may….
Is it acceptable to lump ALL the FSG mesh files into one root folder and activate that? Or are they likely to be out order, and if so, does it matter?

Cheers guys
Sorry to hear about your past purchase...:p87:

I advise my customers to always treat mesh like any other scenery addon and place it into it's own folder setup and add and layer it in the scenery library.

If you think you have a mesh issue, how are you going to toggle it on and off if the files sit in the default folders?
As meshman said, make a folder in the addon scenery hierarchy and drop the files in there. In the scenery database, I'd place the global mesh just above the default scenery entries and below any other addons. This way, if a scenery comes with it's own mesh, the global addon mesh will be overridden.

I see no problem in dropping all the mesh bgls into one folder. The only thing you loose upon doing so is that you can't deactivate specific regions if that need should come up.

I see no problem in dropping all the mesh bgls into one folder. The only thing you loose upon doing so is that you can't deactivate specific regions if that need should come up.


Can't really do that anyway Mark, as the folders are only numbered - so no idea what number relates to which region. To be honest though, and what i have covers most of the globe, I've never seen a spike or had elevation issues in all the years I've had Justin's mesh.

So 'meshman' you can want on;-)
I feel your "pain" Dougal. LM "should have" initiated their separate add on locales with v1 and with a very well thought out list of procedures for doing so in the SDK: aw hindsight!

I'm currently running 3 separate P3Dv3 directories:
1) E:\Prepar3D v3 (for core);
2) F:\Prepar3D v3 (for content);
3) G:\Prepar3D v3 (for scenery).

I've gone to this configuration primarily due to the way ORBX installs and over writes core files in World_Global Scenery folder. There's no way around this. I'm not going to re-post my endeavor to date here. If you wish to read how I started and where I'm going, you can do so in the "Return to Misty's Moorings" forum under General Discussion/P3Dv3/ starting on page 3. I don't post in Avsim and very rarely in LM's site.

Where I'm currently going is to have all SimObjects add on content located in another PrePar3D v3 sub-directory within F:\Prepar3D v3 (content). This will require another registry tree off shoot. If done correctly, this will enable installing without resorting batch files or extensive file swapping.

// Sorry to get off track. You should be able to ID the mesh location in each numbered folder. FSGenisis 2010 has rudimentary "formula" for doing so. I believe it's still somewhere on their site. //

edit...My apologies. 'Just realized that the "formula" was for FS Global 2010.