P3D not immune


Charter Member
from odd vagaries of code, apparently

A couple of times I have been flying straight and level when the a/c suddenly pitches up over 90 degrees

loss of suspension of disbelief at that point


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Have you considered it could be something outside of the sim? Like a controller that needs to be recalibrated? Any tweaks you might have manually made to the airfile or config file? A weather program running amok? Not necessarily P3D code. . .actually I would be surprised if it was. Are you using the latest V2.4?
I also suppose this has nothing to do with P3D. Never had something like that in either FSX or P3D.

If this post was about asking for tips a few further bits of information would be helpful:

- did it work OK up to a certain point in the past?
- does this happen with all aircraft?
- is FSUIPC is installed?
- which controller?
- have you changed controllers lately? Maybe plugged it into another USB port?
- did you check the controller entries in the p3d.cfg (multiple entries / assignments)?

I use an old MS Precision Pro joystick and I never have any trouble with it when running other flight sims, such as IL2 or DCS. This only happens in a MS product.

But I've never found a reasonably priced joystick that works better.
I use an old MS Precision Pro joystick and I never have any trouble with it when running other flight sims, such as IL2 or DCS. This only happens in a MS product.

But I've never found a reasonably priced joystick that works better.

The key word being "old". Maybe wearing out? I know I am! :very_drunk: NC
Well...this NEVER happens with IL-2. It never happens with DCS. So I don't think it is a joystick issue.