P3D Screenshots Here


Hey all,

Any cool screenshots you have taken in P3D that you would like to share with us?

I'll start.

Skylark over the foothills just East of San Diego. Nothing more fun in a slow plane than watching the cars below on the freeway, (for me anyways). Since I was a kid, I have always loved to take a moment and check traffic below (when in a real small plane).
No I haven't tried Vatsim yet as i cant find any info on FsInn and Prepar3D, but I did do three successful IVAO flights. Here now is a nice pic of all the Arctic family at Sidney Schwartz's CYZF 2010 scenery. They are FSX native 737-200 AIA representing Air Inuit, Air North, First Air and Canadian North.
ACK! You are the person that created Prescott! My goodness man. I was wondering where I heard your call sign before.

Which airfield is this, if I may ask.
Note the red Waco? I thought it was a pretty good clue, some local flavor ;)

It's Sedona. The base photo scenery is 2m/pixel with the airports at 0.5m/pixel.





ACK! You are the person that created Prescott! My goodness man. I was wondering where I heard your call sign before.

I hit a burnout period. Since then, I've released Page, AZ (40 miles x 40 miles) and Lake Ridge Aero Park (8NC8) in Durham, NC, plus an FSX version of my static aircraft library. I'm thinking about Phoenix-Mesa Gateway (KIWA) for a next project. Then again, the Prescott-Sedona scenery (60 miles x 83 miles) is this >< far from covering Flagstaff, so who knows :)
Dang.. You have been busy man! Sedona has needed to be done forever and I do not believe anyone has ever done Flag.

Nice work Sir!

Israeli F-15E at Palmahim AB

Here is a picture of the IRIS Mudhen taking off from Palmahim AB in Israel. Both the Milviz F-15E and Iris Mudhen look great in P3D.

I like the waves on the right, its more 3D.

The one on the left looks to scale.

Is the left a FSX stock texture or addon texture?
I like the waves on the right, its more 3D.

The one on the left looks to scale.

Is the left a FSX stock texture or addon texture?

Hi Bill,

The left one is FSX with FEX with waves set at Medium Pacific, I think the Prepar3D looks way too large. I must try and see if I can get FEX to work with it.

Hey Bruce
Is the C337 working OK for you
It only works intermittently in P3D for me, more often than not P3D will crash with a fatal error when I try to load it.
When it does load none of the VC switches are clickable.
Hey Bruce
Is the C337 working OK for you
It only works intermittently in P3D for me, more often than not P3D will crash with a fatal error when I try to load it.
When it does load none of the VC switches are clickable.


It seems to be working fine in Prepar3D, all I did was copy it over from FSX and I also copied all the Gauges from the Gauge folder and all the effects too.
Hey Bruce
Is the C337 working OK for you
It only works intermittently in P3D for me, more often than not P3D will crash with a fatal error when I try to load it.
When it does load none of the VC switches are clickable.

I am 99% sure that if you are having intermittent operation of VC switches, its because you are floating too far back in the VC and the seat polygons are blocking you. I know it sounds crazy.

If you are using TrackIR with that other system, trying moving backward in your seat, reset the view, then sit regularly. This moves you forward a couple of inches.

Also, since its intermittent, I think head latency is also pulling you back into the seat polygons. Again, readjust the view point in the aircraft.cfg file and set it .10 or .20 forward (add that on in positive direction, such as 1.2 will now be 1.3, -1.3 will now be -1.2, etc). Then check in FS/P3D and see if that cures it.
