I've subscribe monthly so I won't be taking a hit on the purchase. So far it's made better financial sense than buying the full packages.
Having read the new stats, one thing stands out for me. The real time cube map would be a fantastic innovation if I am reading the information correctly. Just like cloud shadows, volumetric fog, particle effects and the light rendering in P3D, real time reflections would bring the sim to another level of immersion.
I had a look a the new promo for Flightbeam's KSFO HD. Some of the features they are maximizing are spot on...things one might not even notice, until they realized that the advanced features of the current P3D environment make these nuances possible.
Regardless of the price point, I'll do the upgrade as I'm quite keen to have a look inside. For developers, the new goodies should add another dimension to the rendering possibilities of aircraft and scenery models.
Done deal for me...it's an affirmative.
Interesting that they have altered the licensing. Seems stricter than previously in so far as it explicitly states you need to be a student to purchase the Academic version. No matter, I'll be passing on this for a change, sit back and see how others get along with it. Sure as hell ain't spending $200 on it.
I haven't read the new EULA, but the developer license is still available for under ten bucks monthly. The EULA defines a "developer" with a very wide brush, so anyone interested in aircraft or scenery design and actively uses Prepar3D for that purpose seems to qualify under their legal terms.
IMHO, I don't want to open Pandora's Box with EULA conversations which have been hammered to dust. I've not seen, nor heard of any prosecutions to date.
We are all breaking the EULA , fact, live with it.
Yes, but dont talk about it on internet forums. Normally threads like this one gets locked.
Yep, we instigated this rule from very early days in this forum http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?82860-Conversations-on-the-EULA-for-Prepar3D