P3D ver2.5 dropped CH Products HOTAS


Charter Member
I went to adjust my rudder pedal/brake functions today and noticed that only the mouse yoke option was available in game now.

I've rebooted the sim and computer several times now, but cant get the sim to recognize them. They used to be, but today, nada. However they do work in game.

Is there a fix to this?

Update. I deleted the "Standard.xml" under the controls and went back into game in order to build a new profile. The sim recognized the CH Pro gear again, but quickly resorted to mouse yoke and dropped the sticks again.


Did you try unplugging the usb and re-connecting?

I checked my setup in 2.5 and everything checks out OK.
This might help who knows but I once had the same problem and after days of fiddling about suddenly noticed that after a Windows update the main P3d folder and all sub folders had been made read only. When I un-ticked the read only box all was well.
I think the problem was with the USB multi-plug. it was a cheapy type and didnt fit great into the USB port. Problem has been solved for now.

Thanks all!