P3D4 Real Weather


Charter Member
What are people using for real weather in v4? I had a version of Active Sky for v3 but apparently not the right one to get me the upgrade that works with v4. So before I splash out what seems to be far more cash than I paid for the last version of AS, what other options are there?
Im user of AS2016, is free update to P3Dv4. The program is amazing and I recomend it.
I have been using FSrealWXPro.....freeware, for V4, for a few years and it's excellent!

ASP4 and ASCA all the way for me. The upgrade from any previous version of Active Sky is $34, I think. I got both the ASP4 upgrade and ASCA dirt-cheap in a sale right when P3D4 came out. Well worth it at any price as far as I'm concerned.
That program exists since a few years indeed, it was not created for v4. What's wrong ?
It's just Penzoil3 sarcasm Daube. She took Sidlers statement to mean he had been using FSRealWx Pro in P3D_V4 for several years. . .rather than what he actually meant which was he had been using FSRW Pro for several years and was now using it in V4.
Thank you guy's...I have had it since FSX, Prepar V1, V2 , V3 and V4. It's an excellent app. for freeware!

FS Global Real Weather. But not for V4, they are in the process of revamping the system and bring out a new version. It was very pleasant to use, so I'm sweating it out and wait. Using the freware mentioned above in the meanwhile.

Phil, I can heartily recommend OpusFSI to you. It provides weather injection and a whole lot more besides. For UK flying it'll inject the weather for free, so you can try-before-you-buy! It works a treat in v4 and is always updated very rapidly in my experience. TBH I'm surprised it isn't more widely known...

OpusFSI was well-known, until it switched from freeware to payware. Then its popularity decreased.

If I have to buy a payware weather engine, then I'll compare the features of all the payware ones. And so far, I don't think there any weather system matching the features of Active Sky.
I think that very recently another weather engine has finally implemented the historical weather, which is the single most important feature for me, but I don't remember which weather engine it was. In any case, for payware Active Sky is the "all in one" package of choice, I don't see any reason to switch to another product right now.
I use FSXWx currently, I had REX essentials, but quit using it as the weather transitions were too disruptive. I had looked at Active Sky, but wanted to wait to see what Skyforce 3D is going to turn out like before I decide. The new REX TD & SC update that was just released supposedly has hooks for Skyforce and "Environment force" whatever that is.