P3D_V4 on hold for now.


Staff member
I had one brief moment this morning where I thought I had found the culprit causing the massive stuttering in V4. Over a year ago I purchased two identical memory sticks to those already installed in my system (got them from NewEgg). I installed them and went on my way, everything seemed to be well until I started getting blue screens on a regular basis. It was determined (simply through process of elimination), that it had to be the memory sticks and so they were pulled. From time to time, simply because I refused to give up on the money I had spent, I would stick them back in. . . .always with the same or similar results. . .out they would go.

After switching back to Win7, I stuck those same memory sticks back in one more time. This morning I had the brilliant revelation that the stuttering started with the switch in OS, true enough, but I had also installed those same memory sticks as well. . .aha!!!! So I pulled them, snapped them in half and tossed them in the trash, reboot, start P3D_V4 and crossed my fingers. Initially it appeared that all the stutters had disappeared, throughout my taxiing to the runway, perfect, I was smiling. Got lined up, took off and "Bam!" Stutter City!! So my Simming has come to a halt because whatever it is has migrated to FSX as well. Flying is an exercise in futility that has my blood pressure up so they are shut down until I can secure the components for an update (Mobo, CPU and new Memory).
If this means that you system is running on 8 gb of memory, of course you have stutters. What did you expect ?
If this means that your system is running on 8Gb of memory, of course you have stutters. What did you expect?
I expected to get exactly what I had in Win10 with my system running on 8Gd of memory. A perfectly smooth running P3D_V4, no stuttering, sharp, crisp resolution textures and autogen as far as the eye could see. That's what I expected.
Ed, 8 GB is like trying to run a marathon on a 1000 calorie a day diet. You will be dragging after a few miles.
Ed, 8 GB is like trying to run a marathon on a 1000 calorie a day diet. You will be dragging after a few miles.
Then why the difference? I know I'm beating a dead horse here and I'm sure people are sick of my whining about this (just get a new system and shut up already!) but if it was perfect. . .and I do mean perfect in Win10. . .why the difference when I went back to Win7? They both ran with 8GB of memory, both 64bit OS. Yes 8Gb is nothing, but it's all I have right now and it was still giving me a perfect ride in Win10. Maybe I just have to accept that Win10 is where I need to be from now on. If that's the case then my scenery days are over. Win10 causes too many limitations in programs I use and doesn't allow me to work the way I'm used to. That's the bottom line and I won't get into what those are. This is just extremely aggravating right now and fixing it isn't a case of just hopping in my car, driving to Plano (Fryes Electronics) and picking up everything I need. :banghead:
Then why the difference? I know I'm beating a dead horse here and I'm sure people are sick of my whining about this (just get a new system and shut up already!) but if it was perfect. . .and I do mean perfect in Win10. . .why the difference when I went back to Win7? They both ran with 8GB of memory, both 64bit OS. Yes 8Gb is nothing, but it's all I have right now and it was still giving me a perfect ride in Win10. Maybe I just have to accept that Win10 is where I need to be from now on. If that's the case then my scenery days are over. Win10 causes too many limitations in programs I use and doesn't allow me to work the way I'm used to. That's the bottom line and I won't get into what those are. This is just extremely aggravating right now and fixing it isn't a case of just hopping in my car, driving to Plano (Fryes Electronics) and picking up everything I need. :banghead:

It is simple Ed. The Microsoft gods are punishing you for going back to Win 7. Afterall, Bill Gates has more money than God. Money rules, they say.

Seriously, I have had zero problems with Win 10, other than the seemly daily updates. It works, and it works well. I haven't found a single program that ran on Win 7 that doesn't work on Win 10.

You could always set up a dual boot system. Use 10 for flying and 7 for scenery building.

Just an idea. It's not the end of the world. Even the sim world.
I think I'll take my own advice here and quit whining about something I can't fix. I'm pissed, aggravated and tired of trying to fix a system that has outlived it's ability to run Flight Sim. When I can afford to fix the problem. I'll be back. . .I need a serious break from this place.:wavey:
Ed, I hope you come back and see this. In Win10 I run ADE, Sketchup, MCX and SBuilderX with no problem at all. I know you also use instant scenery for placements but may be you can skip that as ADE and SBX can easily place objects, even MCX itself can do it. Let me know if you need any help in those.
This "smooth-then-stutters" experience really makes me think of an hardware problem, like something overheating. Especially since the move back to Win7 couldn't solve the problem.
It could also be some stupid background service running but I suppose that would be visible in the task manager.
That's a good point though: while you are flying with stutters, could you try to switch to windowed mode (without pausing the sim) and call the task manager to check what other processed are running/eating memory/eating bandwidth/eating hard disk activity ?

Your issues may very well be caused my a misbehaving program that is running in the background

I was experiencing freezing and stutters over the weekend while testing FSX aircraft in P3d4.

After going through the list of running processes I was able to trace it to Skype, which was running in the background.

Things went back to normal for me once I ended the processes associated with Skype.
54 is a lot of processes for Windows 7. I had mine leaned down to 33. Nvidia Telemetry for one is completely useless. I can't read most of the others, though.
54 is a lot of processes for Windows 7. I had mine leaned down to 33. Nvidia Telemetry for one is completely useless. I can't read most of the others, though.
Right click, select "view" it will take you to Photobucket where you can use the magnifying glass to enlarge.
54 is a lot of processes for Windows 7. I had mine leaned down to 33. Nvidia Telemetry for one is completely useless. I can't read most of the others, though.

Yep, 54 running processes is alot. I can't find the magnifier at PB (must be some of the stuff my security blocks there) but a cursory look shows a bunch of stuff that can be shut down... Apple-something-or-other, for example. It's quite simple... if the sim doesn't need it or the OS doesn't need it, shut it down. For security alone anything having to do with remote access should be disabled. Many "program" processes (like that Apple app) can be set to manual and set to "Stop".

No matter which OS one chooses (despite what the Win10 fans claim, it is no magic bullet... just another OS, and it has its own issues) it should be tuned before any serious simming (or work, for that matter) is attempted.

An observation from one whom spends quite too much time chasing gremlins:

The Windows updates and processes can be an incessant nuisance Ed, and MS is constantly injecting new bits to Win7 and Win10.

Yesterday was particularly bad on my system. Windows came in and took over, doing whatever it does in the background for quite a long period of time. I can always tell when it happens...my C:drive starts grinding and rattling while everything else grinds to a halt. As of this morning, MCX won't compile any P3Dv4 .mdl ground polys i.e. airport runways or tarmac. It was fine before the grinding and rattling yesterday...now it's not fine.

Bottom line is, the complex and integrated system I've spent the last two weeks wiring together for P3Dv4 SDK modeling work...is now completely borked. Reasons, as yet unknown.
I'm quite confident that there will be a few mystifying hours, or days, trying to sort that little problem out. For today, I think I'll go for a hike in the back country instead.

I would not rule out an update that has compromised you somewhere at a system level.

I understand that this is maddening for you. I'm usually in a full time state of anger management, dealing with the unwelcome intrusions, so don't feel alone sir.

BTW Ed, before you break any more memory in half...that made me laugh so hard I nearly fell over...check those for integrity using your system tools. lol

Hopefully, when you get the new bits you can get back up to full song in V3 or V4. Hang in there.
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Sorry to hear of these issues. I used an application called Razor Cortex with FSX, P3D V3 and it really helped. Cortex will shut down processes and services before starting your in the sim and then when your done flying you can restart (most of) them, it also frees up memory as well...frankly there is a lot of Win 7 and 10 processes and services that are not really needed especially if you have the Professional version of the OS. Razor Cortex is just one of a few I have seen. However, I have used it off and on with V4. The reason is once I got a new rig I don't seem to have the issues like I did before when I had to use it. This will probably change now that I use Orbx and soon will invest in either AS/ASCA or REX Skyforce; not sure which at this point. Hope this is helpful and you get your rig running smooth.
Damn, damn, damn Ed. Now my V4 is stutter city. Turned everything down but slide show Time. I'm running win 8, On a I5 system. Everything was fine up to a few days ago. Pulling my hair out.

have installed only V4 compatible aircraft and no scenery.
Damn, damn, damn Ed. Now my V4 is stutter city. Turned everything down but slide show Time. I'm running win 8, On a I5 system. Everything was fine up to a few days ago. Pulling my hair out.

have installed only V4 compatible aircraft and no scenery.

Furiously scrubbing my hands, keyboard, and computer hoping I don't catch what you two have!