I thought this was interesting from Adam (LM)...
"As part of this bug, we have identified some capabilities that are necessary to further support developers to use our recommended methods. We are developing those enhancements and expect them to be included in a future release. We will provide more information as soon as we can."
I'm guessing 3rd party developers will need to get on board soon after this.
I thought this was interesting from Adam (LM)...
"As part of this bug, we have identified some capabilities that are necessary to further support developers to use our recommended methods. We are developing those enhancements and expect them to be included in a future release. We will provide more information as soon as we can."
I'm guessing 3rd party developers will need to get on board soon after this.
The only thing which is not say in theses LM announcements; it is that theses developements are possible via 3DS Max and impossible to use this technic under Gmax !
So a lot of developers will be in the impossibility to continue to develop for P3Dv3.x ...
Agreed. I wish they would be a bit more verbose on what these "methods" exactly are and what impact these methods have on backwards compatibility. The other issue is that one of the major scenery development applications, SbuilderX, is most likely not further developed. New methods or altered exisiting ones are not brought in anymore, and there are already a few incompatibilities.