P3Dv3 & the RAS Spitfire


Charter Member
That Spit just looks good no matter what .. An Add-on that was certainly ahead of it's time!
The first thing I installed to test with as well Dave! :biggrin-new:

Great screenshot :applause:

Have you seen autogen.cfg documented anywhere? I couldn't find it in the SDK.
Hi Adrian, no, I haven't seen any info on that. Looks to be the same format as the other cfg files though.
Hi Adrian, no, I haven't seen any info on that. Looks to be the same format as the other cfg files though.

I did try it out with additional entries pointing to my external folders but unlike the other .cfgs, it doesn't seem to do anything. I thought it was maybe a bit optimistic to expect merging of multiple autogen descriptions on the fly even from v3.0! :biggrin-new: