P3Dv4 question...?


Hello Chaps,

I am wondering if one can just "copy and paste" the scenery files eg: ORBX from P3Dv3 over to P3Dv4?

Or do I have to spend "again" the next couple of weeks re-installing everything into P3Dv4 -if I choose to purchase it?:dizzy:

If there is a v3 installation on your system, FTX Central will copy much of the stuff over and download only stuff it needs in addition. You will however need the HD space as they will be duplicated.

I wish that they could use the files by reference across the platforms without having to copy them over.
It transfers quite rapidly with FTX Central. Copy and paste will really screw things up ! DON"T !!
I guess its weeks of installing again for me........!?

Not at all! In fact quite the opposite. Once updated and started in v4 mode FTX Central looks to see what you have already, so when you click to install the scenery it doesn't start it all again from scratch, it cleverly downloads only the new (64-bit) parts. This means that when selecting Install and looking at the download times it initially looks like each region will take hours, but stick with it, because despite appearances they actually end up downloading and installing real quick. You will be very relieved! I was!