P51 underpowered?


Charter Member
Well,while I'm trying to figure out my configuration error from the patches,
Ive really wanted to throw this one out there. Now I've played other flight
sims such as "Warbirds" and "Aces High II" and compared to those,I find
CFS3's P51 grossly underpowered. I fly both jugs on there and dont get near
the same near-stalls as I do from the P-51 and wondered if anyone else
thought the same. If this is an MS error,any fixes or updates for it?
I love the P-51,but on CFS3 I would rather fly the P-47's due to MS's
foul-ball on their version.
The other thing --
don't try to do too much with fuel loads over about half.
There was a tank behind the pilot for extended range,
and the bird was pretty laden until you burned that off
(set fuel load to half).
Stock and Firepower P-51D

I have posted this many and many months ago.. but if interesting I had modified the .AIR files for the original stock and the Firepower P-51D.

It's here:


Backup the original although.. especially if you are planning to be online (multiplaying) with other servers. This unfortunately will cause a mis-matched aircraft errors.

Take care.
Also note that the AI kites fly with zero fuel weight. You will notice this in knock down drag out dogfights. To play fair set your fuel weight low or unlimited-1% and show the coder cheats whose boss.