Packaging new installs

You lost me there mate as I am talking about how to package a new install for uploading to a site for subsequent downloading.:wiggle:
Anyone here an expert on how to package an install as per ETO, BoB, etc.?

If creating a new standalone game program: You will need a program which to zip the files and then bundle all the files you need to install the new program. I can't remember what install program I used for the ETO and RS. You will need to prepare a install readme to include with the package.

After preparing the beta package you should have testing folks who can install and run the files on their machines to make sure there are no glitches.

I no longer have any backup or development files that were prepared for ETO and RS, so I can't be more specific in the steps that I took, nor remember all the fine details. ( old age forgetfulness)



Found that I still had some documentation on the program I used to bundle the files. Clickteam Install Creator Pro. It looks like they are still in business and can be found here: [FONT=Verdana,Arial,Tahoma,Calibri,Geneva,sans-serif][/FONT]
I had an additional thought after downloading the install package for ETO part 1. In the readme I talk about letting the install program create a new folder and then copy files from the user's clean not modded CFS3 install.

This is where the new install gets the minimum required CFS3 files to which the new install files are then loaded. Its done this way to make sure that MS copyright is not violated.

Therefore you will need to create a batch file or similar program to create a new folder and then copy the required minimum files from the user's CFS3 install.



Ok, I have removed all files that are not necessary for this particular install. That is the only original airplanes in the addon are the two versions of the p47. I removed all spawn files, missions, and other files that were not going to be used. So copying the original install really does not work here. If copyright was an issue - did the WOFF folks or are the WOFF folks paying MS a fee as they are using the original engine and overall design albeit highly modified.

It would seem to me since this is not for profit, but a customized version of the original sim, not sure how copyright plays in. Not saying it doesn't but if you could help me better understand that would be great.

Ok, I have removed all files that are not necessary for this particular install. That is the only original airplanes in the addon are the two versions of the p47. I removed all spawn files, missions, and other files that were not going to be used. So copying the original install really does not work here. If copyright was an issue - did the WOFF folks or are the WOFF folks paying MS a fee as they are using the original engine and overall design albeit highly modified.

It would seem to me since this is not for profit, but a customized version of the original sim, not sure how copyright plays in. Not saying it doesn't but if you could help me better understand that would be great.


By doing the install that way you are giving the downloader/user the ability to run the program without a licensed copy of the game.

By copying only the required minimum files needed to run the program from the user's installed CFS3 program you eliminate your legal exposure to potential MS copyright.

Your call if you want to take the chance.
I would say we can work around that, if necessary, by not uploading certain files or folders including the exe files and telling people just to copy over those to the new install. I have talked to my son about this (a Comp Sc. specialist) and he did make the basic point Bob was making about copyright. We have not come to that time yet so it's useful to discuss ways of doing this. I always assumed that all that is needed for copyright reasons if proof of an existing install which the install unpacking program would search for before unpacking a completely new install?