Flaps, although they sometimes do add lift (Fowler flaps in particular, by increasing wing area), are intended to increase drag. So, for any given power setting they reduce speed which allows for a lower approach and landing speed and/or steeper descent -for a given speed- WHEN you choose to go down.
The lift/drag factors may also be varied by the pilot to adjust the descent through the use of landing flaps.
[Figures 8-3 and 8-4] Flap extension during landings provides several advantages by:
• Producing greater lift and permitting lower landing speed.
• Producing greater drag, permitting a steep descent angle without airspeed increase.
• Reducing the length of the landing roll.
This text (with pictures even) should be read by anyone who wants to master even the basics of flight. Of course, since it may point out many common misconceptions, those who only want to point-and-shoot should avoid this document.